Get A Peek At More Of Dunkeldorf’s Quirky Characters

August 19, 2021 by brennon

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The folks at King Games have been showing off more of the finished miniatures that are coming to backers of their Kingpin Of Dunkeldorf Kickstarter campaign. You might see more of these quirky characters popping up in their store in the not-to-distant future too!

Antoinette The Duckoner - Dunkeldorf Miniatures

Antoinette, The Duckoner // Dunkeldorf Miniatures

A couple of their community miniatures were previewed recently for backers of the campaign. For example, you have the character of Antoinette, The Duckoner here. I get the sense that you could get ducks to do all manner of interesting and odd things. I particularly like the little pouch on her skirt which contains two adorable little ducklings.

As well as the cute, we also have the cultish. Here is Harald The Mutant who brings us back to the grimdark themes of Dunkeldorf. A particularly pox-marked individual.

Harald The Mutant - Dunkeldorf Miniatures

Harald, The Mutant // Dunkeldorf Miniatures

I like the tail curling out from beneath his tunic and the boils and pustules across his skin. I imagine he would be a lot of fun to paint up and drop into your games as the stooge of some greater foe.

The last of the previewed miniatures came in the form of something else very different! Here we have Martha, Ogre Mercenary who will be watching over the door to many an establishment.

Martha Ogre Mercenary - Dunkeldorf Miniatures

Martha, Ogre Mercenary // Dunkeldorf Miniatures

Martha has clearly done a lot of work across the wide expanse of the empire. I imagine that all of the weapons on her belt were stolen from those she has beaten up but she still prefers to use her big club. I bet she could do some damage with that peg leg too if she manages to knock you over!

Are you a fan of the miniatures from the Dunkeldorf collection?

"I imagine that all of the weapons on her belt were stolen from those she has beaten up but she still prefers to use her big club..."

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