Bad Roll Games’ Punkapocalyptic Runs Amok With Late Pledges

June 24, 2020 by avernos

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In a world ravaged by the struggle to survive and the fight for resources, The Amok is being unleashed upon an unsuspecting world. Bad Roll Games have late pledges now open for their newest faction for Punkapocalyptic.

The Amok - Putting The Band Back Together

Unlike other apocalypse based games Punkapocalyptic isn't the world after the war, or alien invasion, there were no natural disasters here. Instead the rich got richer, walled off the nice parts and live out their lives in luxury, outside of these utopian mega cities however the world tears itself apart as people fight to survive and into this hellscape come the Amok.

The Amok is a band of wanderers who seek out victims aiming to feel something from the pain and suffering they inflict and eeking out a meagre supply of drugs harvested from those they catch, and sometimes those victims break and join with them embracing the life of these wandering misfits and perpetuating the cycle.

Harvester // Punkapocalyptic

The drug use is not without some consequences as the Amok has discovered and outward mutations display their inner corruption over time. This is a fantastic looking set for the game, or indeed any post-apocalypse game you want to drop them into, there is a real feel of Mad Max meets pop culture with these twisted road warriors.

Abbertation // Punkapocalyptic

Figures like the Harvester give the Amok a nice pop culture twist, she's no longer Daddy's little girl and it seems like she is revelling in every moment of it. Add to that mutants like the Glutton and the Abberation and you have a fierce-looking warband for the tabletop with a nod to the current trend in resurrecting and reimagining the 80s which I think is what you need to look for in a wargame in a dystopian future.

Punkapocalyptic Parents

Apart from the starter gang, there are also a pair of parental figures available as add ons to help steer your wayward children further away from sanity I suspect. First up is the Amok Mother who is cleverly making sure her child doesn't wander off into danger with one of those clever leash devices for kids. She comes with a choice of heads so you can mask up for a night on the town or let your hair down.

Amok Mother // Punkapocalyptic

Father dearest is not to be seen, but fear not for the Amok Uncle is here to lend a hand if someone wouldn't mind lending him one in return. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that he probably isn't the most dextrous of characters but anyone brave enough to take him on in hand to hand is probably going to regret it. At least he doesn't bite, so that's got to be something.

Amok Uncle // Punkapocalyptic

All in all, The Amok is an incredibly unique faction that fits into the Punkapocalytic world perfectly and offers something different from the usual fare for roving gangs in the ash wastes. For me, they hearken back to the 1980s cheap video nasties, and I can see younger me picking this up off the shelf in the video store and being thoroughly entertained by it. Bad Roll Games have an eye for the surreal and yet it fits perfectly with the world and feels they have designed. If you want to get in early you can visit the pledge manager and start your gang here.

Punks Not Dead!

" sometimes those victims break and join with them embracing the life of these wandering misfits and perpetuating the cycle."

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