Punkapocalyptic Light Things Up With Dynamo Wastelander

July 7, 2015 by brennon

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If you like the idea of using crazy contraptions in the wasteland of the post-apocalyptic future then see what you think of Bad Roll Games' Dynamo for Punkapocalyptic...

Dynamo (Art)

A Shocking Introduction

I love this chap and I think he fits into the idea of some big bag boss you'd find in a first person shooter video game. I would love to have a gang go up against him and his electrified minions who revel in the pain of the electrocution. It could be really fun and zany!

Dynamo (Front)

Dynamo (Side)

Dynamo (Rear)

A really neat model and nice to see some more zany stuff coming out of the world of Punkapocalyptic. This game has some characterful miniatures in its collection so if you want to dive in and see more gangers you can head over to their website.

What do you think of Dynamo?

"A really neat model and nice to see some more zany stuff coming out of the world of Punkapocalyptic..."

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