The Ridend Duke Takes Shape For Tor Gaming’s Relics

June 13, 2016 by brennon

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Tor Gaming have now shown off the sculpt of the Ridend Duke that is going to be heading off to the mould maker allowing it to go into production. How do you think it's turned out after seeing the render last month?

Ridend Duke #1

Here you can see a rather fancy looking Duke mounted atop one of their wonderful battle chickens. I think the armour work on the bird is looking fantastic and the big beaked helm adorned with feathers makes for a fantastic piece to paint up for your collection.

Ridend Duke #2

This shows off the variant of the model which comes with the big ol' mace for smacking folks in armour. There is also a lance option too but we'll see more of that when the miniature comes back to the webstore.

Will you be snapping up the Duke?

"I think the armour work on the bird is looking fantastic and the big beaked helm adorned with feathers makes for a fantastic piece to paint up for your collection..."

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