Roll & Write Shorter Twilight Imperium Games With Inscription

May 2, 2022 by fcostin

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Did you know that this year, we are celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Twilight Imperium? Given the fact that the title has been out for 25 years, you would think I wouldn't have some news for you!

Indeed I do. Given the festivities and the number that Fantasy Flight are celebrating, this quarter of a century celebration will come with a new and upcoming Roll-and-Write set within the same universe named Twilight Inscription.

Twilight Inscription - Fantasy Flight Games

Twilight Inscription // Fantasy Flight Games

Twilight Inscription is in development, inspired by the mammoth 4x tabletop title, Twilight Imperium - players will be heading out to explore the galaxy with a new method of travel and progress.

Players will be putting the roll to the test as they adventure across the unknown; establishing trade and industry on a wealth of different planets in a galaxy of opportunity.

The upcoming roll-and-write will be singing a similar 4x mechanic alike the beastly board game title, taking control over the likes of navigation, industry dealings and of course, incoming attack.

Twilight Roll And Write - Fantasy Flight

Game Preview & Advertisment // Twilight Inscription

There is no date specifically nailed down for the incoming Twilight Inscription, or gameplay information solidified from Fantasy Flight, simply just a tease during Fantasy Flight's Twilight Imperium Anniversary Festivities. But it's certainly interesting seeing Twilight Imperium in a new light. I really have enjoyed a good Twilight Imperium session here and there, however, it does eat up quite a lot of time!

Fantasy Flight have said that they are looking to have the meat of Twilight Imperium very much present in the upcoming roll-and-write, following the same feeling of gameplay in the roll-and-write, but with shorter gameplay and an all-round lighter experience.

I am certainly not going to complain about shaving some time off of my Twilight Imperium games! The roll-and-write would be a fantastic introduction to the universe without the intimidating tactics from the original long-standing board game.

There is no news on when we can expect the title, simply a release at some point this year.

What do you think of the upcoming extension to the Twilight Imperium universe?

"Players will be heading out to explore the galaxy with a new method of travel and progress."

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