Russian Alternative Show Off New Sculpting Work On A Dwarf

July 1, 2016 by brennon

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Russian Alternative have shown off some new sculpting work by one of their team, Igor Karpov. The first piece for the company is this heavily armoured Dwarf who looks very mean with that big helmet and visor...

Russian Alternative Dwarf #1

Here you can see him with his big kite-like shield and hammer clasped in heavy gauntlets. I like the helmet style too which has something of the 'bird' about it.

Russian Alternative Dwarf (No Shield)

Russian Alternative Dwarf #2

This is a rather fun looking Dwarf and I like their style. While in his one hand he should be holding the shield I think that you could get away with giving him a flagon of ale however.

I do like these squat looking Dwarves and it would be neat to see him painted up and more models joining the range.

What do you think?

"While in his one hand he should be holding the shield I think that you could get away with giving him a flagon of ale however..."

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