Separatist & Republic Specialists Previews For Star Wars: Legion

January 8, 2021 by brennon

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Fantasy Flight Games and Atomic Mass Games have previewed more for their upcoming set of Specialists which will soon be dropping into the world of Star Wars: Legion. This selection of new options will be great for those who want to field more troops and step away from including big names in their Separatist and Republic forces.

Separatist Specialists Personnel Expansion - Star Wars Legion

Separatist Specialists Personnel Expansion // Star Wars: Legion

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Clanking into battle for the Separatists we have their massive array of specialist droids who can be put to work keeping the war machine grinding on. Leading them is a T-Series Tactical Droid which will be familiar to fans of the Clone Wars series. He is then backed up by a Medical Droid, Worker Droid, and Recon Droid.

The Tactical Droid draws a lot of the focus for this particular preview and looks at what they can offer to a tabletop commander.

T Series Tactical Droid - Star Wars Legion

T-Series Tactical Droid // Star Wars: Legion

They aren't exceptionally worried about dealing out a massive amount of damage. Instead, their focus shifts towards directing the actions of the troops. Bolster allows you to drop surge tokens into the mix and Direct means you can get your droids into the thick of it quickly. I like this for the discerning commander who is more focused on battlefield tactics than simply surging forward.

This flows into the hand of Command Cards that the Tactical Droid gets to work with as well. It's all about making the most out of your units and covering up for the fact that they are, for the most part, of poor quality when compared to the clones.

Sepratist Command Cards - Star Wars Legion

Separatist Command Cards // Star Wars: Legion

I love that they've got the option for an Orbital Strike as well which seems totally in keeping with the style of the Separatists as they use any means necessary in order to destroy the Jedi and their armies.

The other miniatures in the set can then be attached to your units in play and will offer up a selection of bonuses in keeping with their theme. I can see the Recon Droid being particularly helpful for those who want to get the drop on the enemy.

Republic Specialists

On the other side of things, you've got the kickass members of the clone army by your side with a new Clone Commander and more.

Republic Specialists Personnel Expansion - Star Wars Legion

Republic Specialists Personnel Expansion // Star Wars: Legion

Man. Clones look awesome! If it weren't for all of the white, I would be very tempted to snap them up. This set mirrors the offerings that we've seen already with the Clone Commander being a cheaper battlefield option alongside some specialists like the Clone Medic, Clone Engineer, and Clone Comms Technician.

Much like the Tactical Droid, the Clone Commander excels at bringing order and discipline to the battlefield and making sure that your clones go where they need to.

Clone Commander - Star Wars Legion

Clone Commander // Star Wars: Legion

Unlike his opposite number though, the Clone Commander is a little more well-armed and can hold their own against droid forces if required. If you want to bring together a force of just clones to help secure the future of the Republic then I could see this being a nice starting point. I am a big fan of Jedi but they can be a huge points sink, especially if you want to play smaller games.

Republic Command Cards - Star Wars Legion

Republic Command Cards // Star Wars Legion

A lot of their Command Card offerings mirror those of the Tactical Droid but with a few differences here and there. However, the real focus is going to be on how you best use all of these tools to make a fighting force that works like a well-oiled machine...just not a clanker of course.

You get a neat set of specialists and characters in these sets which will be fun for people to paint regardless of using them in games. If you're a big fan of the Clone Wars cartoon series or just like that period of history where the Jedi were more numerous, I could see this being a fun pair of packs to dive into.

Are you going to be snapping these up?

"If you're a big fan of the Clone Wars cartoon series or just like that period of history where the Jedi were more numerous, I could see this being a fun pair of packs to dive into... "

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