Spellcrow Showcase New 28mm Fantasy Orcs & Goblins

July 8, 2021 by brennon

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Spellcrow has been expanding its Fantasy miniatures collection with some new 28mm Orcs and Goblins. We start with the latest of their miniatures, the mighty Kar'ku!

Kar Ku - Spellcrow

Kar'Ku // Spellcrow

An absolutely awesome looking Orc Hero for you to use in your Fantasy skirmish and mass battle games. Of course, this fellow would be a good fit for their own game, Umbra Turris but you could also see this fellow popping up in Warhammer games too.

The big lantern jaw, snarling teeth and bulging muscles look great and I like that there is plenty of space given over to his accessories, arms and armour. There is just enough detail to the sculpt without overloading it.

Sneaky Goblin Mercenaries

There are also two new Goblins for you to check out. The Ugruk-tar Goblin Mercenaries set comes with this fellow...

Fat Goblin - Spellcrow

Fat Goblin // Spellcrow

...and another angry chap too. You could imagine these Goblins wandering around in the shadows looking to shank anyone who looks at them the wrong way.

Angry Goblin - Spellcrow

Angry Goblin // Spellcrow

These new resin miniatures from Spellcrow have just been getting better and better. They now have a vast library of miniatures for you to choose from for Umbra Turris and it looks to be growing by the month. It's neat that you get to mix and match your warbands/gangs in Umbra Turris too. Want to mix some Elves in with these Goblins? Go for it!

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"They now have a vast library of miniatures for you to choose from for Umbra Turris and it looks to be growing by the month..."

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