Knight Models Tease New Dark Nights Metal Range Coming In June

June 15, 2018 by brennon

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Knight Models are expanding on their DC collection with some more alternative models for you to consider. They are going to be looking at the Dark Nights Metal collection and these twisted takes on some famous heroes and villains.

Dark Nights Metal Title - Knight Models

This was the banner that appeared on their Facebook Page this week, but if you look closer at some artwork online these are the kind of models you could expect to see.

Dark Nights Metal #2 - Knight Models

You can probably already work out who this fellow is meant to be, as well as this chap here.

Dark Nights Metal #5 - Knight Models

They are very awesome indeed and I love the twisted 'death metal' style to their outfits. They wouldn't look out of place on the front of various rock and metal albums actually.

Dark Nights Metal #4 - Knight Models

When it comes to the range's use in the game, I'm sure there will be something new for them. Of course, these are also just an awesome chance for painters to try out something new and unique on the collection.

Dark Nights Metal #3 - Knight Models

So, make sure to keep an eye out for more model previews in the near future as late June would be my call for these models.

Dark Nights Metal #1 - Knight Models

Do you know much more about the Dark Nights Metal universe? If you do make sure to drop your thoughts in the comments below...

What do you think of the art you've seen here and the translation into miniature form?

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"What do you think of the art you've seen here and the translation into miniature form?"

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