The Ugruk-tar Iron Skull Goblins Get Reinforced By Spellcrow

July 22, 2020 by avernos

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Spellcrow have been unleashing a wealth of fantasy miniatures in both 28mm and 10mm recently as they flesh out the world of Argatoria. But before you get caught up in the tiny world of 10s it's worth remembering that they already have a great range of 28s along with a skirmish game that you can download for free from their website Umbra Turris.

Ugruk-tar Iron Skulls // Spellcrow

This release is for their Iron Skull Goblins, adding a new pack of the iron helmed infantry along with some beautiful new character models.

This is the second set of three Iron Skulls for the goblins, they're a characterful trio with very expressive faces, a mixture of Oldhammer whimsy meets Tim Burton.  The six figures are a really nice group of greenskins for the tabletop.

If you're a fan of painting the sculpts offer a great variation in textures on the miniatures, there are plenty of flat spaces to go to town with some intricate work if you're planning on using this as a small skirmish band. However, if you're after a fast paint job with simple techniques the crisp sculpts will certainly lend themselves to that also.

Urguk-tar Goblin Champion // Spellcrow

With a majestic skull codpiece and a slab of iron to protect his vulnerable the Champion like the Shaman below are excellent examples of great centrepiece models to lead your force. The Champion has a hard-nosed veteran feel to lead from the front like all good goblin champions definitely do.

While the spellcaster exudes the dangerous mystical forces being barely contained and then unleashed upon their foes, he looks like he will be a joy to paint up. The wolf pelt is doing sterling work as a hat and looks like it's not long dead, of course with him being a shaman it is entirely possible that it is still living on his head!

Urguk-tar Goblin Shaman // Spellcrow

The goblins are a fantastic set and will find use throughout fantasy games for a lot of people I'm sure. If you are mourning the loss of Mordheim or if you have never had the chance to play it then I suggest you download the Umbra Turris rules.

They're available in Polish, English, Spanish and French and offer up a really compact ruleset to build your warband and explore the sprawling city that stretches between the pair of cyclopean towers that watched over the fall of a great empire.

Will you be exploring the Dark City with these Goblins

"While the spellcaster exudes the dangerous mystical forces being barely contained and then unleashed upon their foes, he looks like he will be a joy to paint up. "

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