Pick Up A Thrashing Tentacled Beast From Bad Squiddo Games

June 23, 2023 by brennon

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Bad Squiddo Games have an awesome set of miniatures for you to check out on their webstore. Leading the way is a very Bad Squiddo who is thrashing around in the ocean, ready to drag ships and sailors down into the depths!

The Bad Squiddo - Bad Squiddo Games

The Bad Squiddo // Bad Squiddo Games

The miniature is a big resin kit from Al Maguire that finally introduces a proper squid into the mix for the Bad Squiddo team. The scale of the miniature is 28mm meaning it would be great for a myriad of encounters on the tabletop and you can get the kit with just the beast or with all of the debris scattered around it, the sight of a terrible attack.

As well as the big Bad Squiddo, you can also get your hands on some Baby Giant Squids which are doing even more frolicking in the depths and chowing down on more lost sailors. I think these would be great for games like Ghost Archipelago and anyone wanting to take their adventures out onto the high seas.

Baby Giant Squids - Bad Squiddo Games

Baby Giant Squids // Bad Squiddo Games

There is also a good bundle collection from Bad Squiddo which brings a bunch of kits together allowing you to have all the fun. I do like the idea of taking these miniatures that have been designed for 28mm and using them for something at a smaller scale too. Imagine these bearing down on ships in a game like Armada!

Bad Squiddos - Bad Squiddo Games

Bad Squiddo Family // Bad Squiddo Games

You can snag yourself some tentacle-based fun over on the Bad Squiddo Games webstore, especially if you spied these at UK Games Expo and didn't manage to pick them up. With a lot of sea-based games out there in need of terrible monsters, these could nicely fill a slot in your monstrous menagerie.

Will you be picking these up?

"You can snag yourself some tentacle-based fun over on the Bad Squiddo Games webstore..."

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