Thundering Cavalry & Cunning Spies Released For Kensei & Torii

March 23, 2018 by brennon

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First up from Zenit Miniatures for both Kensei and Torii, their two awesome tabletop games, we have the Ji Samurai.

Ji Samurai - Zenit Miniatures

From what I can tell from a rather uneducated Google search, the Ji Samurai were a band of rural lords and warriors who governed over more remote areas of Japan. They weren't as politically powerful as others at the time but they would fight hard to protect their little plots of land.

Shown here, they have some rather awesome kit which marks them out as hunters I'd say. You also have their awesome looking hounds that seem as ready for battle as their masters.

Thundering Hooves

Next up we turn our attention to the Onna Kiba Musha mounted up on horseback.

Onna Kiba Musha  - Zenit Miniatures

These are Zenit's take on the female Samurai that would have been trained to fight and defend their household should the worst come to the worst. There were some very famous examples of women warriors during the period and it's neat to see that that has been expanded upon in Kensei and Torii.

Marked out as graceful and deadly riders, with those long weapons in hand they could cut through the enemy like harvesting wheat!

Slinking Spies

As well as these new units we have two new characters for the collection starting off with this Spy.

Spy - Zenit Miniatures

You can always do with a Spy in your force, ready to spring out at the right time to stab the enemy Warlord in the back. I could see him being used in a more narrative sense for the skirmish games of Torii too. Maybe your warband has to try and hunt down where this spy has got to as he infiltrates your castle?

Undead & Lovin' It

Lastly, we have this fellow. As we you can see he is very much on the dead side of the equation.

Kensei Kuro-ite - Zenit Miniatures

If you were dipping into the Fantasy side of their games maybe this chap could have been the one betrayed by that Spy we looked at above? He is now seeking revenge, always a good way to start a narrative.

What do you think of their new releases?

"He is now seeking revenge, always a good way to start a narrative..."

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