Waterloo’s French Cavalry Commanders Pop Up From Warlord

June 10, 2024 by brennon

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Warlord Games has added a new set of Warlord Resin miniatures to their Black Powder range for Waterloo. French Cavalry Commanders lead the way, making sure that your troops end up in the right place at the right time. They all look rather splendid.

Napoleonic French Cavalry Commanders - Warlord Games

Napoleonic French Cavalry Commanders // Warlord Games

This set features four Napoleonic French Cavalry Commanders who would have served under Napoleon Bonaparte. They would have been with him during the Hundred Days campaign and then eventually at Waterloo. The set comes with...

  • Général de Division Kellerman, commander of the III Cavalry Corps
  • Général de Division Milhaud, commander of the IV Cavalry Corps
  • Général de Division Lefebvre-Desnouëttes, commander of the Guard Light Cavalry Division

You also get an unnamed Cavalry Commander who could be used to tell your own stories in the Napoleonic period. They would be fitting for a Brigade or Divisional command miniature.

Napoleonic French Cavalry Commanders Alt - Warlord Games

Napoleonic French Cavalry Commanders // Warlord Games

You are going to be having some good fun getting these painted. If you've perhaps been endlessly painting infantry for the past few weeks or months then perhaps you could be persuaded to pick up a set like this so you can have a go at painting something entirely different! Good luck working on Lefebvre-Desnouëttes' wonderful spotted saddle.

Do you like the look of these new French Cavalry Commanders for Black Powder?

"Good luck working on Lefebvre-Desnouëttes' wonderful spotted saddle..."

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