A Band Of Westfalia Miniatures’ Heroes Arrive On Kickstarter

December 10, 2019 by brennon

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Westfalia Miniatures are back on Kickstarter for their 13th campaign as they squeeze in another opportunity for you to pick up some of their 32mm heroes and villains for use in your roleplaying games and more.

Barbarians Bards & Bucaneers - Westfalia Miniatures

A few new miniatures have been thrown into the mix alongside some classic ones which have appeared as part of previous campaigns. You've got a lot of different heroes and villains who would be great to use as characters in your games or as folks that you run into when adventuring. You can get all of the new models or buy them as part of sets which have been broken down.

New Kickstarter Sets - Westfalia Miniatures

Of all of the sets that they have put forth as part of this campaign I really like the Bards. I think Kathia is a fantastic new cat-person who reminds me of the Khajit that you see in the Elder Scrolls games. Also, Methrot is an awesome take on a Bard, potentially drawing on a little bit of dark magic.

As always, go and check out the Kickstarter campaign for a full peek at what they have on offer!

"I think Kathia is a fantastic new cat-person who reminds me of the Khajit that you see in the Elder Scrolls games..."

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