Westfalia Miniatures Bring The Rakshasa King To IndieGoGo

October 23, 2020 by brennon

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Westfalia Miniatures is now on IndieGoGo looking to fund the creation of an amazing model by Boris Woloszyn. This here is The Rakshasa King who looks awfully similar to a certain someone...

The Rakshasa King - Westfalia Miniatures

The Rakshasa King // Westfalia Miniatures

This miniature is just one of three that you can including in your games, whatever they may be. The Rakshasa is an awesome monster from Dungeons & Dragons which can be quite the thorn in the side of a group of adventures. Now you can weave a tale around one of them and learn of his past.

As well as being available in his Rakshasa form you can also pick up the Young version of him which could also be an impressive glamour.

The Rakshasa King (Young) - Westfalia Miniatures

The Rakshasa King (Young) // Westfalia Miniatures

In addition to the Rakshasa here, you will also be able to snag a couple of additional characters too. You can also get your hands on the Nemesis...

The Nemesis - Westfalia Miniatures

The Nemesis // Westfalia Miniatures

...and the Nemesis' Assistant which can be looked at over on the IndieGoGo page. All of the miniatures here are available in 32mm and the campaign is simply working towards producing these miniatures and getting them out there into the world. There are no bonuses, no pledge managers, it's a simple campaign with a core aim.

I think these miniatures look great and would be a really fun addition to a roleplaying adventure. Imagine revealing this to your players as they head down into their next dungeon?

What do you think of these new miniatures?

"Imagine revealing this to your players as they head down into their next dungeon?"

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