Woloszyn & Westfalia Join Forces For Alrik Immerdar Miniature

August 8, 2018 by brennon

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Boris Woloszyn has joined forces with Westfalia Miniatures to create a miniature for their upcoming DSA/The Dark Eye miniature range. This is Alrik Immerdar, one of the iconic characters from the classic German role-playing game.

Alrik Immerdar - Westfalia & Boris Wolosyzn Miniatures

Now that is a particularly stunning looking fellow who is also exceptionally Germanic! Here is a snippet of artwork from one of the old books for you to check out (sorry about the quality!).

Alrik Immerdar Art

They have managed to capture the fearsome visage of this hero very well indeed and you will be able to snap up miniatures like him (and many more) through a Kickstarter later this year.

Will you be snapping him up?

"This is Alrik Immerdar, one of the iconic characters from the classic German role-playing game..."

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