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MY Journey in using the XTool Laser cutter to create the ultimate Heroquest Board

Building Foam Dungeon Tiles (EVA & Upholstery Foam)


Hello everyone! Since it's Dungeonalia on OnTableTop, I thought it would be a fantastic idea to delve into creating some tabletop dungeon tiles. These tiles would be perfect for enhancing games like HeroQuest and Warhammer Quest — essentially, any of […]

Frostgrave – Here comes the flood


As part of the Dungeonalia event I wanted to give Frostgrave some more love and I really need to focus on my terrain collection so in this project I tackle creating terrain for a specific scenario from the Into the […]

Deepcut Dungeon


I have attempted to build a dungeon crawl but in a different way. Your warband will work its way down from an abandoned village into the depths of Deepcut Dungeon to find the secret treasures. I did try entering this […]

Younglings Dungeonalia – Drawn Dungeon


My 9-year-old son found out about Dungeonalia and wanted to take part.

Digging the Trenches


This is a project I have been working on for Pandyman Entertainment's game Trench Offensive. I have built the terrain from scratch, using foam, coffee stirrers and cardboards. I have built trenches before and this will add to my collection […]

The belon tames the butterfly for a day


Woke up this morning and decided I'm gonna kick the hobby butterfly in the nuts and complete a project for dungeonalia today. Looked up at the pile of potential and decided that the futuristic dungeon crawler space hulk needed some […]

Dungeonalia – The Monstrous Denizens of Palooka Four


Palooka Four is a terrible little rock hiding immense wealth. Low light conditions, a weak atmosphere, and a microplanet size means that it's a hive of undesirables. Be they a gang of sentient Terribilis Dolorus fungi, a cave dwelling Homosimilis […]

To Slay a Strigoi: The Tale of Sir Bernard, Grail Knight of Bretonnia


The Grail Knight Sir Bernard de Chevalier is hunting a powerful Strigoi Vampire through its cavernous home in the mountains. Cleaving his way through hordes of ghouls, lesser vampires, bats, wolves and other creatures of the night he draws near […]

Mac vs Vox Machina


Dungeonalia 2023! or ... a great excuse to finally get back to painting miniatures long forgotten in the evergrowing pile of shame!

Younglings: prep and Play Tor Vaden


You may have seen from my past projects that I'm slowly playing the campaign in the core rules book for Rangers of Shadowdeep with my kids. Serendipity means that the next scenario sees the adventurers try to get through takes […]

Dan’s Dungeonalia 2: Bedroom Fantasy


My second dungeonalia project for this year. Just a little something inspired by Lloyd...

Predator-Hunting Grounds


I have a large Aliens project which dips into Predator every now and then but I thought I would use Dungeonalia as an excuse to concentrate on the hunters. Its 20 years since the awful AVP movie and I always […]

Sci Fi Base


Buildings and internal furniture for a sci fi base for games like Stargrave, 5 Parsecs From Home and Alien RPG. Buildings are Sarissa and Antenocitis Workshop, with furniture etc from Dungeons and Lasers and 3D printed at home

Escape Vault 99: A Dungeonalia Inspired Fallout Adventure


In the Fallout universe, a "vault" is an underground, self-contained, and often heavily fortified shelter designed to protect a population from the devastating effects of a nuclear apocalypse. These vaults were constructed by the Vault-Tec Corporation, a fictional company within […]

Building Balin’s Tomb With 144Artist


A friend I have known since my misspent youth arrived at my 59th birthday celebration with a big box. Inside was 75% of Balin's Tomb that he had been 3D printing for months. While he still has one row to […]

Dungeonalia – There’s Something Amiss at the Abbey


While watching a recent Weekender I was reminded of the Dungeonalia winter projects and then it hit me...I'm currently building out a 4x4 3d printed Abbey and dungeon scenario to run for a local High School gaming club that is […]

Dungeon Delvers


Thought I’d get involved and paint some dungeon delving adventure parties. A nice little pallet cleansing project.

Denizen of half a dozen dungeon crawlers


Painting up a heap of miniatures for use in: Dungeon Saga Origins, League of Dungeoneers, Call to arms, Five leagues from the borderlands, Warhammer Quest, Hero Quest

It was -Pandora project now just Dungeon games.


My young otter entrance for Dungeon Youngling paintings for Project Pandora. Edit* any SyFy dungeon game.

Resistance is Futile


Printing & Painting a 4'x4' Borg table for 28mm Star Trek wargaming

Dungeonalia – Necrothrall does Drow (and other beasties)


I've been roped into DMing a one-shot for some work colleagues. So I've decided that since most if the group hate spiders that they're fighting spiders. And what often hangs about with spiders? Spider worshipping elves.

It’s Space Jim!


About a month ago Space Crusade was mentioned with regards to Dungeonalia. I have a copy of it which I haven't looked at for about 30 years. I've dug it out and even played a game with my daughter but […]

Modular Gaming Tiles


Create some modular tiles that can be used for skirmish and RPG that don't require too much storage.

Starlights Mice & Mystics Dungeonalia Youngling


Starlight paints the heroes from the Mice & Mystic set she got for Christmas. Many thanks to Ironshield for being so generous with the game.



A set of modular tiles and accessories to use for a Haunted House/Mystery Mansion/Zombie Hunt. These will initially be themed around a scenario for a Scooby Doo game I am currently working on.

Epic Dungeon Monster Marathon Print, Paint & Play


I've been playing Warhammer Quest since 1995 and have an original copy but I have only had a few of the hundreds of possible monsters that you can face from level 2 all the way to level 10. This is […]

Dan’s Dungeonalia


My plan for the next three months is to focus my hobby on Dungeonalia. I have an idea for a diorama first. I may then elaborate on it more by dabbling into the other categories.

League of Infamy


In this project I shall be painting up the League of Infamy boardgame by Mantic Games.

Head over Heels – Dungeonalia entry


A while ago I suggested that since my remake of Laser Squad had stalled, and having seen the excelled Crooked Staff modular room-based gaming terrain, I might attempt a remake of a room-based dungeon crawler, like the 80s video game […]

Getting Into D&D 5e Adventures


My family and friends recently got into Dungeons and Dragons. I haven't played for many years and now I've taken on the role of DM for our games. One of my favorite parts of the game is preparing maps, tokens, […]

Salute 2024 dungeon/arena


I had a crazy idea once about a modular set of terrain tiles that could be used to crate tunnels, buildings etc. I taught myself how to sculpt 3d files on Microsoft builder using YouTube and printing them on my […]

Epic Dungeonering


Designing a 10mm dungeon

Just a little something


A little something to keep the creative juices flowing.

Underneath frostgrave


I have been planning on building a frostgrave table for quite some time and I had an idea of combining that with Dungeonalia and having something underneath the buildings to run around in. The plan at the moment is to […]

HeroQuest Painting Blog (Dungeonalia)


During the month of December I plan to get all of the gaming pieces in the core set of HeroQuest painted

Underneath Castle Fier


The screaming finally stopped as the vampire turned to ash in it's stone coffin. Sergeant Mulhern continued to grip the wooden stake, his face covered in the creatures blood. "So much blood" he whispered shaking his head. "Over here" shouted […]

Into The Atmosphere Processor


I've been accused of doing long projects that lack focus so the dugeonalia idea is to look at the alien hive on Lv426. The focus is to complete a 3d version of the board from the classic leading edge games […]

HeroQuest Lockdown Revisited


Like many gamers of my generation, HeroQuest by GW and MB games was the first miniatures game I owned. Sadly my own copy has long since been lost to time but as the nation began to move into lockdown, I […]

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