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Emergency Miniature Work - 15mm USMC Super Cobra

Emergency Miniature Work - 15mm USMC Super Cobra

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Images from yesterday's game

Tutoring 7
Skill 9
Idea 8

Just a few screen captures from yesterday’s game with @elessar2590.  Big thanks to him for helping us out with this playtest, it was great getting insight form an expert in the French and Indian Wars and Napoleonic Wars!  😀

British force for the game.  This was a hypothetical, non-historic game with evenly matched forces and commanders for playtesting purposes.  The Crown force includes one line regiment (line infantry +flanking companies of grenadiers and light infantry), and one auxiliary company of Loyalist militia.British force for the game. This was a hypothetical, non-historic game with evenly matched forces and commanders for playtesting purposes. The Crown force includes one line regiment (line infantry +flanking companies of grenadiers and light infantry), and one auxiliary company of Loyalist militia.
American force, with the understrength regments of Continental Regulars, filled out with a mix of veteran and raw militia.  Both regiments also have a detachment of the dreaded American riflemen.American force, with the understrength regments of Continental Regulars, filled out with a mix of veteran and raw militia. Both regiments also have a detachment of the dreaded American riflemen.
The situation on Turn 5 on the American right.  Although I was holding well for the moment, I had lost both divisions of American artillery (6 pounders) in some forced withdrawals / stacking violations.  So British artillery would be unchallenged from here on, and I'm sure they would eventually help break my hold on the objective hex (ford over that stream).The situation on Turn 5 on the American right. Although I was holding well for the moment, I had lost both divisions of American artillery (6 pounders) in some forced withdrawals / stacking violations. So British artillery would be unchallenged from here on, and I'm sure they would eventually help break my hold on the objective hex (ford over that stream).
I was doing better on the American left.  I had broken the I was doing better on the American left. I had broken the "Tory" militia with a charge of two companies of New York regulars, and was still holding that objective hex (hunting lodge). Pretty sure I would hold that lodge, and take the objective hex to the northwest. So even if I lost that ford on the eastern port of the field, I would be left with three out of five objectives on the table and thus a narrow American win for this game overall.

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oriskanyDennis Cross Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

I watched this gameplay live and enjoyed it.

I have to say, I cringed when the American’s lost their artillery. I thought at the time that that was the mistake that will be hard to recover from.

Good game gentlemen!

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