Bob's Black Bulls 11th Armoured Division.
The Table and Scenario
Well having had major re-organisation I added setting up a Generic table for the 1st Scenario.
Down the centre is an industrial area and rail head, which still has damage from the end of the last war. A couple of farms and woods break up lines of sight.
I have randomly picked each forces table side, the U.S are o the left and the Soviets are on the right ( sort of reverse of political spectrum) as can be seen by the models on table, though they have just been put down pre game and are not in their deployed positions.
The Scenario from the book
Protests in much of Eastern Europe particularly Warsaw have been crushed by Soviet Troops leaving many protesters dead on the Streets. The Western Allies demanded the Soviets responded by re-inforcing their occupation .Protests throughout the Soviet Zone of Germany and Poland saw further brutal suppression.
On 6 June 1948 British, U.S. and German troops cross the border under the pretext of protecting German and Polish Civilians.
The lead Elements of the U.S forces crossed the Oder and Neisse rivers at various points , advancing in a West-East axis , quickly overrunning any token resistance and approached Wroclaw. Fast moving lighter Armoured columns ran into an advancing column of T44’s and unidentifiable tanks, and a savage firefight broke out.
The army list for each side are provided from the forces booklets in the starter sets which detail what can be command , Core and Support units giving the max of each type:
U.S Force
1x T26E5 Assault Pershing 5pts Volley Fire Skill 3pts
Core Units
3x T26E5 Assault Pershings 16 pts
3x T26E4 Super Pershings 14pts
3x M26 Pershing 8 pts
5x M4A3 Easy Eight Shermans 10pts
Support Units
4x M36 Jackson Tank Destroyers 8pts
4x m18 Hellcat Tank Destroyers 6 pts
Total 70pts
1x T44 3pts Punch it Ability 3 pts.
Core units
3x IS-3 10pts
5x IS-2 12pts
5x T44 11pts
5x ISU 130 15 pts
Support Units
4x T34/85 8 pts
3x T34/85 6 pts
70 pts total
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