Check Out Bad Roll Games’ Take On A Famous Plumber

August 27, 2015 by brennon

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Bad Roll Games have shown off their work on a neat addition to the Junker faction in their game, Punkapocalyptic. If you notice any resemblance to a famous Italian plumber then I'm sure that it's just purely coincidental...

Junker Probe #1

I think we've got a really fun miniature here and it shows off just how good the Bad Roll Games crew are at sculpting (and painting) too! I particularly like the use of the shells as both shoulder and knee guards.

Junker Probe #2

A great 'fun' model for the Punkapocalyptic collection and The Junkers as a whole. You can keep an eye on the completion of their project over on IndieGoGo. They did very well with their funding target and unlocked quite a bit of extra stuff.

What do you think?

"I particularly like the use of the shells as both shoulder and knee guards..."

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