Battle Over Burrows & Badger’s Barten Mill From Sarissa

September 1, 2023 by brennon

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Oathsworn Miniatures have been working with Sarissa Precision once again. A new piece of terrain has been added into the mix, the glorious Barten Mill! A perfect piece of terrain to fight over for Burrows & Badgers.

Barten Mill #1 - Burrows & Badgers

Barten Mill // Burrows & Badgers

Here's some of the background behind Barten Mill within the world of Burrows & Badgers.

"After suffering extensive damage in the Great Storm of 789, Barten Mill was almost completely rebuilt and refurbished by the Longtail dormouse family. Hazel Longtail took over running the mill, and managed to keep the town and the local militia supplied with bread throughout the dark days of the War of Storms. Her famous 'Waybread' recipe was a staple of the Warren Percy regiment during the War, making those well-fed beasts the envy of the rest of the Royal Army."

The Mill is made from Greyboard/MDF and sits at seven inches long, five inches wide and ten inches high. So, it's not going to be something you'll miss when you're eyeing up the battlefield. You could probably hide a great big bear behind that as well.

Barten Mill #2 - Burrows & Badgers

Barten Mill // Burrows & Badgers

Michael has done a sterling job on the one that is shown here, presented in a gorgeous fashion and perfect for a bit of skirmishing. A mill is going to be a pretty important part of the community and that means it is going to be fought over quite a lot I would reckon! I do like the idea of adding the text onto the side of the mill and the artwork on the other side.

Barten Mill #3 - Burrows & Badgers

Barten Mill // Burrows & Badgers

There are so many nice miniatures in the Oathsworn Miniatures collection now that could work as civilians and the like. That means you could actually add the family to this plot and have some folks looking to protect them whilst others are trying to gain the mill for themselves!

There is a really nice range of terrain that has been built alongside Sarissa so you can create lots of nice houses, taverns and more to play your games of Burrows & Badgers in and around. If you like Barten Mill, you'll probably like the rest of the range!

Will you be picking this up?

"If you like Barten Mill, you'll probably like the rest of the range!"

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