Fresh Water Terrain Challenge Winners!

March 20, 2017 by lancorz

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We've had some time to mull it over and we're announcing the winners of our Fresh Water Terrain Challenge. Without further ado, we should probably get into showing off the entrants and their awesome work.

Fresh Water Terrain Challenge Winners!

The Fresh Water theme really allowed us to check out some fascinating ideas which took things to a new level. Well, let's get stuck in.

Best Executed

3D Printed Fountain by herrigold

Fresh Water Terrain Challenge Winners!

Fresh Water Terrain Challenge Winners!

Firstly we're checking out this fantastic work by herrigold who took to the futuristic angle when making his terrain piece. Here we have an amazing 3D Printed Fountain!

Not only did he show his skills with 3D but he also painted up quite the amazing piece which had some very realistic water sitting at the bottom of this structure.

It got even more amazing when he added the wonderful statues and turned this into a tiered structure. Once again, a big thumbs up from us on this one matey!

Best Idea

Zombie Shower by collins

Fresh Water Terrain Challenge Winners!

We now turn to Best Idea which takes an interesting concept and runs with it to help do something different with the brief. A Zombie Shower sounds like just the right fit.

This piece by collins really brought some character to the tabletop and we loved the ramshackle construction and ingenuity that went into the design.

Not only that but he did great work on the water once again which is filling the barrels and soaking away into the ground. It looks like it would probably be quite nice to have a shower there; if it wasn't for the Walkers trying to eat your brains!

Junior Beast

Blood Altar With Moat by benthebrave21

Fresh Water Terrain Challenge Winners!

We now turn our attention to the work of one of our Junior Beasts, benthebrave21, who did some epic work on this terrain piece which featured a bloody altar, perfect for Age of Sigmar, which was flowing down into what used to be a fresh river.

The work really comes together with the focal point being the altar which would be great for some objective based games.

Match that with the frothing waters that surround it and you have a place which seems like it would be full of arcane energy! We always like terrain which tells a bit of a story and this certainly does that.

Best Project Log

Docks & Canal System by evilstu

We then move onto the person who really put a lot of effort into explaining and developing his project. evilstu did some amazing work on his Docks & Canal System and we were blown away by the full compliment of ideas on show here but the process of building it was also great to follow along with.

Not only did he create the docks but plenty of the buildings, walkways and even the ships that are present here as part of this creation.

There are incredibly detailed tutorials on everything that he designed for this HUGE tabletop and it really has created something that you just want to play your games on. some adventures on these murky waters are calling and we'd love to see what games could be played out on this.

Ultimate Terrain Maker Finalist

River Pathway by sneil

This leaves us with the Ultimate Terrain Maker Finalist of the Fresh Water Community Challenge. sneil utterly blew us away with this amazing River Pathway which showcased some wonderful attention to detail.

The way that the water reflects the light that hits it and the little touches here and there to show the water in motion really created a beautiful piece of terrain.

It genuinely looks like a scene taken from the likes of Lord of the Rings with the river babbling away below as your heroes fight it out on the shore, a picture perfect scene!

A Big Thank You!

Once again, a big thank you to all those who took part in the challenge and we'll be rewarding some more of you in the near future with some Golden Buttons of course! For all of you who won in the categories make sure to get your Prize Claim in as soon as possible so we can ship off your Vouchers for those £50 4Ground vouchers.

We thank you for your patience and hope you enjoy getting a bit of inspiration from these wonderful creations.

Our next Challenge will be the Shades of Spring. This is a great chance to find those in between features of battle and peace and quiet.

What terrain are you working on right now?

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