Scrap In Kromlech’s Epic Fantasy Bowl Stadium Terrain!

January 2, 2023 by brennon

Kromlech has only gone and bloody done it! They have made a full-on Fantasy Football Stadium for you to play your games of Blood Bowl (or any other game for that matter) inside of! The Fantasy Bowl Stadium is a seriously chunky kit that would be superb for a final showdown between the two best teams in the realm.

Fantasy Bowl Stadium - Kromlech

Fantasy Bowl Stadium // Kromlech

The Fantasy Bowl Stadium is pricey, that's for sure, but you do get an extortionate amount of HDF for you to be playing around with. If you've seen some of the older dioramas and such for Blood Bowl that they used to have in White Dwarf and on display in Warhammer World, you'll be very tempted to snap this up. This also reminds me a lot of a Warhammer jousting diorama that popped up quite a while back too!

The bulk of the Stadium is made up of these larger Tribune sections which show off seating for the fan.

Fantasy Bowl Stadium Tribune - Kromlech

Fantasy Bowl Stadium Tribune // Kromlech

Fantasy Bowl Stadium Short Tribune - Kromlech

Fantasy Bowl Stadium Short Tribune // Kromlech

In addition to the sections for the fans, there are also some options for the players. They get access to the Dugout sections which seem nice enough for your teams to set up in. You've also got extra bits behind each Dugout allowing you to keep an eye on Rerolls and the like.

Fantasy Bowl Stadium Short Dugout - Kromlech

Fantasy Bowl Stadium Short Dugout // Kromlech

As well as the places for the fans and the players, there are also some absolutely massive bits of terrain that take things to the next level. Maybe you'd like the built-in Dice Tower which gives you a fun and in-world place for you to roll your dice. I think this is super fun and would be a great little surprise addition to a set-up.

Fantasy Bowl Stadium Dice Tower - Kromlech

Fantasy Bowl Stadium Dice Tower // Kromlech

There are also pieces like this, the Score Tower, which is another funky way of displaying how the game is going. I think this is such an ostentatious piece of kit but if you and your friends really, really like Blood Bowl, I could see this being a kick-ass set to snap up.

Fantasy Bowl Stadium Score Tower - Kromlech

Fantasy Bowl Stadium Score Tower // Kromlech

Last but not least, and completing the whole collection, there is also a set of Light Towers. You could set some (fake) little tea lights into these or wire them up if you prefer. I think some folks with secret weapons could also be set up on top of those towers.

Fantasy Bowl Stadium Light Towers - Kromlech

Fantasy Bowl Stadium Light Towers // Kromlech

This all comes together to produce a really fun terrain set that caps off their set of Fantasy Football releases for the last while. We've seen plenty of fun Orcs and Goblins and now we've got a stage for them to have fun on! Have a peek at the full collection HERE.

Could you be tempted by this as a new year project?

"...if you and your friends really, really like Blood Bowl, I could see this being a kick-ass set to snap up"

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