Space Marine Reinforcements For Warhammer 40,000

February 12, 2024 by brennon

Games Workshop are making a chunk of the Space Marines from the Leviathan boxed set (and beyond) available for you to scoop up separately this weekend. You can get your hands on some reinforcements for your armies as they take to the battlefields of Warhammer 40,000.

Space Marine Captain In Terminator Armour - Warhammer 40K

Space Marine Captain In Terminator Armour // Warhammer 40,000

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Taking the lead, we have the Space Marine Captain In Terminator Armour. Drop this fellow into the mix and lead from the front with all manner of different weapon options to choose from. You can go with the classic Storm Bolter or bring more heat with a Melta Gun or a Combi-Flamer. You can also rock a Power Sword or a Power Fist depending on which enemies you reckon you'll be facing.

There are more Heroes Of The Chapter for you to pick up as well. The Apothecary Biologis will be scouting out new species of Xenos so that you can explore the myriad ways in which you might kill it. He is flanked by the Phobos Lieutenant who has seen quite a lot of bloodshed, becoming something of a Tyrannic veteran.

Space Marine Heroes Of The Chapter - Warhammer 40K

Space Marine Heroes Of The Chapter // Warhammer 40,000

The set also features five Sternguard Veterans armed with an assortment of specialist weapons. These veterans of many, many wars are going to be helpful when tackling the different foes that threaten the Imperium. I like that you have a classic Space Marine helmet in the mix with this set too. If your lucky helmet has kept you alive until now, why change it?

Need to make sure that you have thoroughly purged the heretic and cleansed the Xenos? Well, the Infernus Squad is now stomping forth to turn everything to ash.

Space Marine Infernus Squad - Warhammer 40K

Space Marine Infernus Squad // Warhammer 40,000

With ten miniatures in the set, all armed with those powered-up flamethrowers, you're going to find a lot of crispy enemies being carted off the battlefield. Make sure you've got a few of these units in your army if you're going to be facing down a horde of gribbly bugs as their overwatch potential is pretty handy.

Last but not least, the Ballistus Dreadnought is looking to take down your enemies from long range.

Space Marine Ballistus Dreadnought - Warhammer 40K

Space Marine Ballistus Dreadnought // Warhammer 40,000

Armed with a twin-linked Lascannon and a Missile Launcher, this is going to put a fair few holes through any armour that might be standing in your way. Take out your enemy's tanks and then send in the Infernus Squad to torch them as they try and clamber from the smouldering wreckage. Space Marines are the good guys remember?

Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

As well as the Space Marines above, there is also a chance to pre-order the separate boxed sets from the recent Kill Team release. You can get your hands on a squad of Space Marine scouts for Kill Team or for folding into your Warhammer 40,000 army.

Space Marine Scout Squad - Warhammer 40K

Space Marine Scout Squad // Warhammer 40,000

This set features the new sculpts for the Space Marine Scouts armed with their trusty Boltguns alongside Shotguns, Sniper Rifles, Heavy Bolters and there is even a Missile Launcher in there too. Send these Scouts sneaking around the flanks of the enemy army and take some potshots whilst securing objectives.

The other half of the Kill Team set is also available for you to scoop up. That means that Aeldari players can now slip some sneaky Striking Scorpions into their armies, ravaging the enemy in close combat.

Aeldari Blades Of Khaine - Warhammer 40K

Aeldari Blades Of Khaine // Warhammer 40,000

They use their Shuriken Pistols alongside their Chainswords to eviscerate the enemy. Their Mandi-Blasters are also at the ready to pox-mark your foes and if that fails, your Exarch can use a Scorpions Claw to crush your bones. This updates an older Finecast set with all-new plastics, bringing them in line with the look of other Aspect Warriors within the Aeldari army. Now we just need those Swooping Hawks, please!

Will you be picking up these Space Marine reinforcements?

"You can get your hands on a squad of Space Marine scouts..."

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