GW Showcase More Plastic Bitz For Warhammer: The Old World

March 14, 2023 by brennon

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Games Workshop has been showing off some more of the bitz that you'll be able to tinker with when Warhammer: The Old World hits the tabletop. The most recent preview is for a series of weapons and accessories for the Bretonnians and Khemri as part of new plastic kits!

Bretonnian Bitz #1 - Warhammer The Old World

Bretonnian Bitz // Warhammer: The Old World

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Yes, you heard me right. New plastic kits. Updated kits are going to be on the way for at least the forces of Bretonnia and Khemri and feature lots of familiar elements as well as a few new bits and pieces as well. For example, you've got plenty of different helmet designs to match the various knightly houses that have been called to battle.

As well as helmets and shields, you'll also find a series of different weapons including plenty of different sword designs.

Bretonnian Bitz #2 - Warhammer The Old World

Bretonnian Bitz // Warhammer: The Old World

You can also bring a hefty cavalry axe with you for when you want to properly cut someone's head off whilst on the charge! It looks like you're going to be getting a bunch of options when it comes to customising your Knights Of The Realm.

Khemri Weapons & Accessories

Khemri are also getting themselves some fun bits and pieces. Various Egyptian-inspired blades are on the way including curved khopesh and spears as well as that deadly-looking flail.

Khemri Bitz #2 - Warhammer The Old World

Khemri Bitz // Warhammer: The Old World

You'll also notice some rather impressive elements that can be used for champions and standard bearers that you might find amongst your armies. Plenty of scarabs and scorpions are also in the mix here, quite fitting for the forces of Khemri.

These are still early previews for Warhammer: The Old World but I do like what they have been showing off! It's also very good to hear that we're getting plastic kits.

It will be interesting to see how diverse the range actually gets from Games Workshop. I have a sense that it might be like The Horus Heresy. The core range will be in plastic but will be supported by resin miniatures from Forge World representing heroes and the like. We shall see!

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"These are still early previews for Warhammer: The Old World but I do like what they have been showing off!"

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