Warlord Show Off Highlanders & Guard For Epic Battles: Waterloo

January 21, 2022 by brennon

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Warlord Games has been showing off a couple of new boxed sets coming your way if you're diving into Epic Battles: Waterloo. The British get themselves some Highlanders whilst the French are able to unleash the Imperial Guard on their foes in 15mm (13.5mm).

British Highlanders & Riflemen Box - Warlord Games

British Highlanders & Riflemen Box // Warlord Games

The first of the boxes is the one that immediately caught my eye. It comes with a band of British Highlanders & Riflemen for you to use when focusing your army. If you absolutely love kilts then this is certainly going to be the set for you. Now you only need to paint a little bit of tartan.

British Highlanders & Riflemen Miniatures - Warlord Games

British Highlanders & Riflemen Miniatures // Warlord Games

This set (as you can see above) comes with three Highlander Regiments made of eighty men each. You also then get three Mounted Brigade Commanders, twenty-four Skirmishing 95th Rifles and three Royal Artillery 5.5" Howitzers. This is then accompanied by a British Flag Leaflet so you can strike the right colours.

French Imperial Guard!

The second of the sets is a new pack of French Middle & Old Guard for you to use when looking to oppose the advance of the British on the tabletop.

French Middle & Old Guard Box - Warlord Games

French Middle & Old Guard Box // Warlord Games

These are some of the best and the best when it comes to the French army during this period. This was no mere ceremonial position. These soldiers, both the Middle and Old Guard were hardened soldiers who had seen battle across many different frontiers.

French Middle & Old Guard Miniatures - Warlord Games

French Middle & Old Guard Miniatures // Warlord Games

This set comes with three BIG Guard Battalions of eighty men each. There are options here to make the Old Guard and also optional heads that allow you to represent the Middle Guard who were wearing poorer quality uniforms.

There are, again, three Mounted Brigade Commanders, thirty Marines Of The Guard, thirty Engineers Of The Guard and three Foot Artillery 12-pdrs. You also get yourself some Napoleonic French Flag goodness for making sure you fly those colours properly.

Are you going to be snapping these up for your Epic Battles: Waterloo games?

"If you absolutely love kilts then this is certainly going to be the set for you. Now you only need to paint a little bit of tartan..."

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