Avalon Hill Tease The Return To Heroscape With Age Of Annihilation

August 10, 2022 by brennon

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Avalon Hill and Hasbro used Gen Con this weekend to showcase the return of a pretty big tabletop game. Heroscape looks like it's coming back with Age Of Annihilation and that means plenty of hex-based battling!

Heroscape: Age Of Annihilation Teaser // Avalon Hill

As well as the teaser trailer, folks also got a look at some of the content that is going to be coming out for the game. That means brand new miniatures and those very familiar tiles. These images were snapped by the folks at Polygon.

Heroscape Miniatures #1 - Hasbro

Heroscape Miniatures // Hasbro

Heroscape Miniatures #2 - Hasbro

Heroscape Miniatures // Hasbro

Now, before you get too excited about the painted miniatures, that won't be the case with the return of Heroscape. There will be a massive array of different Sci-Fi and Fantasy miniatures in the mix including a towering Dragon and strange creatures from the far future too.

Sir Heroscape also put together a bunch of additional information about Age Of Annihilation, giving us an idea as to what form the game is going to come back in. To break things down...

  • Uses existing generals
  • New Species, Generals and Synergies
  • Figures will come unpainted
  • The first set will feature unique units
  • Accessibility is at the forefront - making sure newcomers can dive into the game
  • The Master Set will come with painted terrain
  • The release date is still TBC

If you want to find out more, you can check out the Reddit post about the game HERE and the Sir Heroscape video.

Are you tempted to dive back into Heroscape?

" There will be a massive array of different Sci-Fi and Fantasy miniatures in the mix including a towering Dragon and strange creatures from the far future too..."

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