Traipse Through The Dangers Of 1967 Vietnam In Purple Haze

October 19, 2021 by fcostin

Supported by (Turn Off)

To a board gamers' delight - it isn't just asymmetric puzzles, card-drafting and racing to win on our roster anymore! As the year's progress, we are finding more and more narrative inspired stories come alive on the tabletop.

Purple Haze - Image One

Box Art // Purple Haze

Being provided unique story-telling experience both fictional and non-fictional, each world is unique and for me personally, has created a hybrid world between reading the adventures of a book and gaming on the board.

Phalanx Games has now announced the title Purple Haze, as players take the role of marines traipsing through danger after danger during the Vietnam War.

Suiting up and preparing for duty, the immersive story-driven title provides both campaign aspects along with tactical combat. As players will need to make heavy-weighted decisions as each outcome will affect the ongoing story path. Whether it be ending in death for your men - 1-6 players must sharpen up, learn the terrain and try to come home alive.

Purple Haze - Image Two

Hero Boards // Purple Haze

“You look at the wrecked Huey, thankful you survived the crash. It got hit somewhere over the jungle. You lost the pilot. The gunner just fell out. Gone. On your way down you saw a glimpse of the other Huey. You think it got hit too, but you can’t be sure. You look around at your squad - wild-eyed Marines fresh out of boot camp - and sigh heavily. You gotta move fast. VC will be coming...”

Across the jungle, through the flooded rice paddies and into the bamboo villages of 1967 Vietnam, each mission will require intelligence and wit. As players cooperate in an attempt to complete the task at hand, develop narratively, with hopes to survive the cause.

Purple Haze - Image Three

Game Map // Purple Haze

Depending on how many players are at the table, the campaign to play through is quite lengthy. Taking a table of players anywhere between 90-720 minutes to get in and (hopefully) get out of the dangers that can be found in the jungles of Vietnam. But as they cooperate and take turns, they must utilise their map, perform actions, roll dice for combat and deal with the consequences with their choices.

The game is currently in developmental stages, however, we can sure to expect more news from Bernard Grybowski and Phalanx Games in the meantime.

What do you think of the concept of Purple Haze? 

"Across the jungle, through the flooded rice paddies and into the bamboo villages of 1967 Vietnam..."

Supported by (Turn Off)

Supported by (Turn Off)

Supported by (Turn Off)

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