Embrace Solo Strategy With Terraforming Mars: Automata

July 19, 2023 by brennon

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FryxGames and Stronghold Games have recently previewed a new expansion for the monolithic board game, Terraforming Mars. Terraforming Mars: Automata changes the experience up and instead of racing against other players' endeavours, you'll face automated corporations!

Terraforming Mars Automata - FryxGames

Terraforming Mars: Automata // FryxGames

The corporations that you'll be going up against are run by a particular set of algorithms as well as special cards that are included in the set. A lot of folks enjoy playing Terraforming Mars but it can be a beast to get to the tabletop, especially with all of the expansions. So, having a solo version to get stuck into sounds like a good idea when your friends just can't make it to game night.

There aren't many more details at the moment but it's also possible to add in any expansion from the game to create whatever challenge rating you're looking for. This means that you can go with something chill for a rainy afternoon or challenge yourself when you've downed enough coffee!

Will you be picking up Terraforming Mars: Automata?

"...it's also possible to add in any expansion from the game to create whatever challenge rating you're looking for"

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