Reap In Fame & Glory In Goldenstar: Galactic Tournament

October 11, 2021 by fcostin

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Galactic Tournaments have been becoming more and more popular on our tabletops. Whether players are looking to coach their way through a sci-fi styled sport or take some 1v1 to oppose alien teams in the fight to the championship.

Yes, we tabletop gamers aren’t stereotypically known for our sprinting and long-distance journeys, however, sports are no alien concept to us! We have been standing behind the lines for years, managing our teams and strategically placing players and teams into the running for success. We are planners, we are strategic and we are not too keen on losing a game!

Goldenstar - Image Two

Goldenstar: The Galactic Tournament // Gindi

There is a new Galactic Tournament making way into the atmosphere, and by the atmosphere - I mean over on Gamefound. Goldenstar: The Galactic Tournament pits 2-4 players into a combat arena fighting tooth and nail (or claw!) for fame and glory.

Combining asymmetric gameplay, utilising cards and deck-building mechanics and centring on King of the Hill logistics which is usually found more so in video games. Meaning we can expect a fast-paced brawl of continuous knockdowns and get-back-up-agains!

Goldentear - Image Two

Goldenstar: The Galactic Tournament // Gindi

The Galactic Empress is quite keen on keeping her space system in order. Meaning every five years - a tournament will take place. Plotting arenas across planetary systems to tear other species down in the battle for fame.

It is not just one-off battles that take place during the Goldenstar Tournament - players are able to upgrade their challengers to progress and further themselves in the competition. Getting a few tweaks on the Black Market might propel your characters to win, but can you make it to the final face-off? Leaving a trail of opponents behind you!

The game is on Gamefound for another 18 days, already 30% funded and it certainly looks like it is on the incline to be funded.

Don’t worry, all entrees did agree to take part in the tournament! The Goldenstar Tournament does not exist within a dystopian universe like Hunger Games. Characters who win their eternal fame and glory have earned it.

"...every five years - a tournament will take place. Plotting arenas across planetary systems to tear other species down in the battle for fame"

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