Guillotine Games Show Off A Roster Of Massive Darkness Monsters

May 25, 2016 by brennon

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Guillotine Games have showed off more of the monsters and of course the heroes that you'll be playing as when you get your hands on Massive Darkness.

Massive Darkness (Cover)

Of course we couldn't show off more from the game without a better look at this fantastic looking cover art for the game. I love that they've gone with the same art style as their other games but given it that extra dose of 'cartoon'.

Massive Darkness Miniatures

There are some rather fantastic looking miniatures within this set with the monsters looking better than even the heroes we looked at last week.

Big miniatures are always a selling point these days so it's nice to see the likes of that demon on the left and the medusa on the right making an appearance.

Will you be keeping an eye on this via its Kickstarter campaign?

Let us know in the comments...

"I love that they've gone with the same art style as their other games but given it that extra dose of 'cartoon'..."

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Supported by (Turn Off)

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