Rise Against Victorian Steampunk Dystopia In City Of The Great Machine

June 16, 2022 by fcostin

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It's getting to that time of year again! We are heading into the territory where publishers begin to announce their upcoming titles for the upcoming year! 2023 is looking wonderful for board game releases, and CrowD Games have released their retail date, for the previously successful KickstarterCity of the Great Machine.

City of the Great Machine - Featured Image

City of the Great Machine // CrowD Games

Coming to FLGS stores worldwide on January 10th, players are taking to the genre of Victorian Steampunk in a one-vs-many environment, rivalling a looming expert system threat against humanity.

"Towards the end of the 19th century humanity's greatest minds united in an effort to found a perfect city. They utilized the most advanced technologies afforded by steam and mechanics. The result of their efforts exceeded any of their expectations! The City stood on massive flying platforms. It drifted over the world — like a monument to victorious science!" - CrowD Games

Box And Contents Render - City of the Great Machine

Box And Contents Render // City of the Great Machine

There will be two sides to battle on the tabletop in City of the Great Machine. One player, in particular, will be in the role of The Great Machine, a sentient AI system that wishes to improve humanity - and its vicious minions standing alongside them. Civilians will need to undergo "enhancement", to rise and conform to the City's rules. Taking on the rivalling force, the remaining players will be fighting for justice, cooperating in revolution against the great power and dystopia created.

Obviously, as there are two opposing forces in the clash for the best of mankind, there are two different ways that players can achieve a win. If a player is taking the role of the AI, they will need to work towards and complete their master plan. Scheming ahead to anticipate the forces at work, the heroes will need to succeed in creating three riots to reinstate the city to hope.

Modular Board Preview - City of the Great Machine

Modular Board Preview // City of the Great Machine

City of the Great Machine is a strategy game up to 4 players, activating a solo mode too! Putting solo players up against The Great Machine in their righteous crusade to justice. Players will be focusing on area movement and hidden movement to influence the districts within the city to form a true revolution.

Now that the game is off of Kickstarter, CrowD Games will be heading to retail with City of the Great Machine next January. So if you are feeling the right to fight against a higher power within a grim and beautiful Victorian Steampunk environment, be sure to keep your eyes peeled for City of the Great Machine. For more information on the rules, be sure to head over to the previous Kickstarter page to download the PDF.

What are your first impressions of CrowD Games' upcoming release?

"There are two different ways that players can achieve a win. The heroes' path or the Great Machine. "

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