The Dark Knight Returns To Kickstarter Soon With Cryptozoic

February 17, 2021 by brennon

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Cryptozoic Entertainment are going to be bringing Batman out of retirement with their new board game for Batman: The Dark Knight Returns. Based on the well-known storyline, you'll be taking a grizzled Bruce Wayne and facing off against his numerous foes.

Batman The Dark Knight Returns The Game - Cryptozoic Entertainment

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns - The Game // Cryptozoic Entertainment

In this solitaire game, you will be playing Batman as he returns to Gotham to deal with notable villains like Two-Face and The Joker as well as Billy Berserk (that's a teenager's gamer tag for sure). You'll even have to deal with Batman's most powerful ally, Superman.

In a twist to normal games of this ilk, you won't be levelling up. Instead, this is a game of attrition where you will be trying to make sure that Batman is able to survive through to the end. The gauntlet is set before you and you are challenged to best it.

Batman The Dark Knight Returns The Game Miniatures - Cryptozoic Entertainment

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns - The Game Miniatures // Cryptozoic Entertainment

Each session of the game can be played in a standalone mission mode or you can venture into a larger epic playthrough where each mission result carries over into the next. This does sound like an interesting idea and I like that you play solitaire!

The miniatures for this are also looking pretty good and match well with the original artwork from The Dark Knight Returns too. I think folks will have fun painting these in-between playthroughs.

Are you going to be checking this out on Kickstarter?

"This does sound like an interesting idea and I like that you play solitaire! "

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