Battle Foam
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Battle Foam has fired up their Spring Sale allowing you to get money off a massive range of items in their collection. The sale runs from 25th March through to 28th March giving you plenty of time to have a poke around their US and UK stores.
Battle Foam has now released a series of inserts for those picking up not only the Core Box for Aeronautica Imperialis but also some of the expansions too.
The team at Battle Foam has now released some new items on both the US and UK stores.
A large array of new Foam options and Carry Cases have been offered up from Battle Foam for those who are playing games like Necromunda or Kill Team.
Battle Foam has previewed some of the new A Song Of Ice & Fire Miniatures Game which will be coming to their webstores very soon.
Join us for The Weekender as we build a tabletop for Age Of Sigmar: Soul Wars and show off some stunning painting for the Celestial competition!
Battle Foam has teamed up with the Gaslands crew to bring you a range of new Foam to keep your post-apocalyptic machines safe...well until you want to unleash them upon the tabletop at any rate!
Billy from Battle Foam joins Justin in the studio to talk about their new iteration of the P.A.C.K. GO bag.
Justin loves GKR, so when Billy from Battle Foam asked Justin to teach him a new game this city smashing robot experience from Weta Workshop was the obvious choice!
We sit down with Roberto from Warcradle about the design philosophy for Wild West Exodus.
As well as the foam that already exists for Star Wars: Legion by Battle Foam (UK Store), they have also now added new foam on the US Store for your AT-STs, Airspeeders and Terrain features.
Today we're looking at the P.A.C.K. (Personal Army Combat Kit) Mini 2.0 from Battle Foam.
We've got quite the packed show for you this week. Buckle up Beasts, we have tonnes of prizes to give away this weekend!
Hello everybody! Today's vlog is for everybody as the Prussonians are getting some real fancy transport!
A new set of Star Wars: Legion foam is coming out to protect your models thanks to Battle Foam.
Battle Foam has added new Adeptus Custodes styled foam to their webstore over in the US, with it coming to the UK soon.
Battle Foam recently added some new foam to their webstore for the US with the UK set arriving soon as well.
Battle Foam Unboxing: Ammo Box Bag
7 years ago 12Today John and Justin get their hands on the sturdy Ammo Box Bag from Battle Foam.
River Horse reveal their next big project coming in 2018!
We're talking alien invasions and Chronicle X in the studio today! Plus, John will also be putting together a very different VLOG series to carry you through the Christmas period so watch out for that!
With this back pack I can finally roam the wilderness and wargame when I want!
Welcome to the December fueled Weekender.
Adding to their range for Shadespire the folks at Battle Foam now have Warband Specific inserts which you can use to keep each of the four different sets of models safe and sound.
Magnets: science or witchcraft? Either way Az puts them through their paces.
Beasts of War 3rd Annual Awards coming soon! LIVE Friday 1st December 9PM, be there or be square!
Battle Foam has some new foam inserts which are their sets made to fit inside the game boxes you've picked up from other companies. This time the focus is on Necromunda: Underhive.
This week, we talk Gangs of Rome from Footsore Miniatures and have a great Battle Foam Giveaway.
Battle Foam has cut some cool looking Shadespire Foam which will keep your heroes and villains safe as well as your card decks and other accessories.
Battle Foam has a couple of new products for you to check out over on their webstore for those collecting Warhammer 40,000 armies and picking up a few board games.
Get stuck into a Weekender XLBS with us and talk epic miniatures and more!
Over on the US Store (and presumably soon on the UK Store), you can now get your hands on New Load Out Options from Battle Foam for your growing Warhammer 40,000 armies.
Battle Foam is running a 4th July Sale right now with discounts between 20-60%. Check out some of their newer bags and load outs too!
Available on both their US and UK store the folks at Battle Foam have now pulled together a whole range of bags and foam trays for you to keep your entire Kingdom Death collection safe. It's quite a lot of foam!
If you've picked up the new Warhammer Quest: Shadows Over Hammerhal set from Games Workshop you might want to check out the Foam Tray Insert from Battle Foam.
Battle Foam has announced a new product coming in May/June of this year with pre-orders beginning in March. See what you think of the Magna Rack teaser...
Battle Foam has added another piece of kit to their P.A.C.K Molle collection with the new Rulebook/Media Pouch which is available both via the US and the UK store.
We've had a big week as we talk Shadow Games (and more) with Steamforged. You could win your own copy of the game too!
We're back after a hard earned break to bring you more awesomeness from the world of tabletop gaming.
Available later today, Battle Foam are going to be releasing a set of new Foam and Bag options for those who are collecting and playing Star Wars: Destiny.