Printing In Detail
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We dive into some classic Warhammer Fantasy Battles goodness this week plus some 10mm Elves AND a trip to the Old West with Dead Man's Hand. What have you been up to?
Forest Dragon 3D has put together a range of awesome new releases via their Patreon for those wanting to print out big 10mm armies for Fantasy wargames like Warmaster and Fantastic Battles. A Reptilian Army has arisen!
Printing In Detail has now released more 10mm miniatures for you to snap up for the likes of Warmaster or perhaps a bit of Fantastic Battles. We start with some mighty warlords and the Despoilers Dragon taking centre stage.
Printing In Detail has a few new extra kits for you to snap up for your 10mm Fantasy wargames. The Mercenary Army is expanding with two new regiments thanks to the sculpting by MiniRat Studio.
HeroQuest Is Back! Nostalgia Returns In 2022 + Join The WWX Global Gunslinger League! #OTTWeekender
3 years ago 30It's OTT Weekender Time! Nostalgia returns in 2022 as HeroQuest is back. PLUS, you can join the WWX Global Gunslinger League and dive into a new game with us.
Printing In Detail has been working away on more stunning 10mm miniatures for your Fantasy wargames. The last few weeks saw them adding the Mercenary Army to their collection based on the sculpts by MiniRat Studio.
Printing In Detail has been working on more of the miniatures sculpted by Forest Dragon. This month they have the start of the Despoilers army for those interested in playing Fantasy wargames in 10mm.
Get Us To 100K Subs & WIN 40K Kill Team: Octarius PLUS What We Think Of The Box Set! #OTTWeekender
4 years ago 53It's OTTWeekender Time! Win Kill Team: Octarius and get us to 100k subs PLUS He-Man Vs Skeletor on the tabletop in Masters Of The Universe: Fields Of Eternia!
Tempted to dive into the 10mm pool and swim around in a world of Fantasy games like Warmaster or Fantastic Battles? See what you make of the new Empire Of Man range which is available as a physical release from Printing In Detail based on sculpts from MiniRat Studio.
Printing In Detail has now put together the full Forest Dragon Noble Elves army in 10mm for you to use in your smaller scale mass battle wargames! Head back to The Old World and fight from the misted isle.
WIN The Best WW2 15mm Wargaming Starter Set; Flames Of War Hit The Beach #OTTWeekender
4 years ago 52This week on the OTT Weekender! We've got an excellent WW2 Flames Of War Starter Set for you to pick up getting you started in 15mm wargaming!
Printing In Detail has added some new Shadow Elves to their collection. The miniatures that you see here come from the 10mm range which has been 3D sculpted by Moon Jammy.
Did Heresylab Beat Games Workshop To Tabletop Kislevites? + Win Bolt Action Box Set #OTTWeekender
4 years ago 90This week on the OTT Weekender! We welcome back Ming and we're checking out a fantastic way to populate your tabletop games with fauna PLUS all the latest news in tabletop gaming
Printing In Detail continues to supply stunning prints of the amazing 10mm miniatures by Forest Dragon.
Printing In Detail have been working away on a new set of Forest Dragon miniatures in 10mm for you to use in your massive Undead armies.
Today we're unboxing some 10mm Fantasy Wood Eves from Printing in Detail based on 3D sculpts by Forest Dragon 3D.
Stuck In Lockdown? WIN Vouchers In Our Leisure League! + Midlam Miniatures’ Fantasy Cultists FTW!
4 years ago 70We're looking at Midlam Miniatures' ace Fantasy range, introducing you to the Lockdown Leisure League in collaboration with Wayland Games AND you could win World War III: Team Yankee Soviets!
Printing In Detail has been producing more 10mm miniatures for your Fantasy armies and in particular a selection of new Undead troops and characters!
This week on the OTT Weekender! We're getting a look at the new 28mm Age Of Sigmar Gargants miniatures and measuring them up against the Mantic Games Giant.
Printing In Detail has produced a new set of Forest Dragon Undead for you to use in your 10mm mass battle Fantasy games!
Printing In Detail is a great resource for people like myself who haven't ventured into the 3D printing hobby but still want to get their hands on some models that would otherwise be unavailable to them.
Printing In Detail continues to produce some fantastic Fantasy miniatures based on the work by Forest Dragon 3D.
Printing In Detail have a new batch of releases for July available for their 10mm Wood Elf range. If you haven't seen them before Printing in Detail have a commercial license to produce miniatures from Forest Dragon's Patreon.
In this episode we're looking at the new Warhammer 40,000: Indomitus box and giving our opinions on the new models PLUS exploring the fantastic and piratical world of Freebooter's Fate!
Printing In Detail has worked on producing a series of 10mm Wood Elves based on 3D printing files from Patreon.