Did Heresylab Beat Games Workshop To Tabletop Kislevites? + Win Bolt Action Box Set #OTTWeekender

February 12, 2021 by avernos

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This week on the OTT Weekender! We welcome back Ming and we're checking out a fantastic way to populate your tabletop games with fauna PLUS all the latest news in tabletop gaming PLUS small scale printing for bigger armies!

Comment To Win! Band Of Brothers Bolt Action Two-Player Starter Set

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Check Out The Podcast Here

As always, make sure to dive into the comments and tell us all of your thoughts about the show this week and what we chat about!

Rules Glorious Rules

Gerry has been exploring a pair of rules this week and tells us all about what you can expect to find with Irregular Wars Fantastic Battles interview and his deep dive into the world of the Brutality Skirmish Wargame.

Irregular Wars Fantastic Battles

Brutality Skirmish Wargame

If you're interested in learning more check out the links and let us know below what you think of using these rules on the tabletop!

Indie Of The Week - Krakon Games

We take a look at Krakon Games' range of fantasy and sci-fi miniatures. 



A Terrific Range of 28mm figures that add variety to your games, why not drop a herd of wandering monsters to your games or come up with a set of rules to recreate claymation telly from your youth?

Tabletop Gaming News

Here is some of the wargaming, tabletop and miniatures news this week which caught our eye and made us go "ooooh!"

3D Printing Is The Sh*t

Chivalric Knights - We sneak another news item in as we take a look at Printing in Details latest offering from Forest Dragon's 10mm fantasy range.

Forest Dragon 3D

Checking out the fantastic work as this Old World-inspired range of sculpts by Forest Dragon goes from strength to strength. An ideal set of miniatures to use if you want to play Fantastic Battles that Gerry mentioned at the top of the show, or if you want to get your Warmaster on. What do you think of these tiny fighting mens?

Tabletop Gaming Kickstarters

See what you make of this Kickstarter we've picked out from this week on the funding platform...

Let us know if you'll be checking out these project in the comments down below.

Comment To Win! Band Of Brothers Bolt Action Two-Player Starter Set

Make sure to check out all of this tabletop goodness and have a great weekend of gaming fun.

Stay Safe!

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