Weekender: 4 New Space Marine Codexes, 3 Too Many for Warhammer 40K?
September 18, 2020 by avernos
Today on the OnTableTop Weekender! Games Workshop has released a ton of information for Warhammer 40,000, including a wealth of new minis for the Space Marines and to help people use their 98 units of the Adeptus Astartes four of the first six Codex releases this year will be Space Marines. Are we reaching a point where 40K is only a game for Powered-Armoured Armies? PLUS we check out some stunning Feudal Japanese in our Indie of the Week and a fifty-meter long Starship in the Kickstarters. (if scaled from 28mm to real life)
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The Colonel has been won, check out the prize claim centre to see if you were the lucky subscriber. Warren has something special planned for hitting the big Century!
As always, make sure to dive into the comments and tell us all of your thoughts about the show this week and what we chat about!
Updates! First Milestones Begin For #PathOfConquest - 2:05
We have some great videos for you to catch up on, the first Milestones for our four gamers and easy to follow tutorials for each faction to help you get your armies on the table. Let us know what you think of the Conquest: The Last Argument Of Kings and the #PathOfConquest
- The Hundred Kingdoms - Milestone One
- The Dweghom - Milestone One
- The Nords - Milestone One
- The Spires - Milestone One
- The Spire Miniature Painting Tutorial
- The Hundred Kingdoms Miniature Painting Tutorial
Indie Of The Week! Steel Fist Miniatures - 26:42
We browse through a select time period as Steel Fist Miniatures show off some fantastic feudal forces in both Europe and Japan.
Steel Fist Miniatures
Let us know what you think of these magnificent metals, will you be taking the plunge into the Sengoku period with these stunning miniatures?
Tabletop Gaming News - 39:55
Here is some of the wargaming, tabletop and miniatures news this week which caught our eye and made us go "ooooh!"
- Warhammer 40K Codex - Six codices in only three months, too many too soon?
- Warhammer 40K Adeptus Astartes recruits - More options for Primaris as the old marines are rendered obselete
- Warhammer 40K Necron Tomb Worlds Open - The dynasty awakens squid Necrons
- Retell Lord of the Rings your way - A must-have companion for Middle-Earth players
- Gamma Wolves Mecha Combat - Ash Barker picks a new apocalypse to inflict on the Earth
- Les Grognards Bring the Big Guns - Six guns and a baguette!
- Mantic Games Launch an Armada - Black Seas is revisited and revised for the world of Pannithor
Let us know if something from this week made you "oooh!" and if we missed anything!
Tabletop Gaming Kickstarters - 1:27:53
See what you make of this Kickstarter we've picked out from this week on the funding platform...
- Starship V Sleipnir - Take to the stars with a massive 3D Printed Rocket Ship
- Twisted Monstrous Marvels - Demented Monsters for a Twisted Game
Let us know if you'll be checking out these projects in the comments down below. Make sure to check out all of this tabletop goodness and have a great weekend of gaming fun.
Have a great weekend and stay safe!
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Also I’m having ice cream
minty fresh?
Mint choc chip is my favourite.
Happy weekender guys. Heck of a thing when I genuinely enjoy looking at different cobblestones online of a Friday evening must be the diplodonticus genes in me. Great show guys ???
Finally 95000 subscribers.
Hope you get the 100k soon.
Now I have to check if I win the colonel. 🙂
Nice to see Steel Fist Miniatures getting featured. I’ve got a few of their samurai and ashigaru awaiting to be painted. Their Italian Wars range is stunning as well, and at some stage there might be some English Civil War stuff too, as I believe they ran a KS for a range a little while ago.
Yay the weekender time.
Those steel fist minis are really nice They have a Mark Copplestone Grenadier Human fantasy army vibe to them
Johnstone just down from Paisley ?

Good to see warren cobbling a good set of figures together.
don’t forget the 5 in a pack set warren.
politicians ???
It’s the Weekend!!
It’s almost as though GW great the churn of codexes as a renewable cash cow in an age where many games companies allow their players access to the unit data in more useful forms. Surprised you felt it was even worth asking the question…
the flayed ones are Freddy an Edwards relatives?
I hear what your saying about the Space Marine Codex cover and you’re not wrong, but i don’t dislike it as such and there’s something i like about it’s understatedness. Mostly though, once again, i find myself looking at an illustration of a (Primaris) Space Marine and wishing that the miniatures were proportioned and scaled more like the illustration, which seems to me to better represent the fiction.
do you guys thing GW are reinterested in LotR because of the Silmarillion film?
Film? There is the Amazon Prime series they are filming down here in New Zealand.
Good stuff.
Peter Jackson was in talks for the Silmarillion film.
Since I live in NZ, I’m sure I would of heard about this if it were going ahead. I think it is more wishful thinking on someone’s part. I don’t think Peter Jackson would do it after The Hobbit trilogy. He has taken a bit of a back seat since then. The only things he has “directed” are 2 documentaries, both based on historical footage. I think he got burnt out on The Hobbit films as he was only supposed to be a producer on those, but took up the directorial reigns when GDT bailed on them…And he may have… Read more »
this is the info im thinking of @hobbyhub which the show could be following.
Strange, I was reading that before I replied to you… I think you need to read further down the page…where it starts: ‘Recently, in a press conference, Peter Jackson shed a light as to why he is no longer going to adapt any other Tolkien movies; mainly it’s because of legal reasons: “The Tolkien estate owns the writings of Professor Tolkien – The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings were sold by Professor Tolkien in the late Sixties, the film rights, but they are the only two works of his that have been sold. So without the cooperation of… Read more »
yup rereading it hope the show is good.
The film’s didn’t go down well with the Tolkien family as they got no royalties as the film rights had been sold many years earlier by JRR Tolkien to fund university for his children if I remember rightly, but the sales of the books would have gone up exponentially because of the film’s and they would have got royalties from book sales.
Too block more royalties by not selling the other works seems counter productive bearing in mind they’ll get millions from the sale of the film rights.
Each to their own I suppose.
Perhaps money wasn’t their motivation, they could have enough from the book sales.
I think they got some (all?) from the Amazon deal.
J.R.R’s son Christopher didn’t like Jackson’s adaptations, possibly because he wasn’t consulted. Since he was heavily involved in the publication of ‘The Silmarillion’, that could cause it to be off limits.
Jackson didn’t actually need to consult anyone from the family, as the rights were sold decades earlier, which led to the ill-fated animated version by Bakshi. I was initially on the committee of the Tolkien Society 2005 LOTR 50th anniversary event, and heard then that the family didn’t like the film’s, and I said the same thing at that time, i.e. the film’s will spark a resurgence in book sales, so every cloud etc. I don’t particularly like the bits added or changed for the film’s, i.e. Arwen not Glorfindel etc., but on the whole the LOTR film’s were absolutely… Read more »
I knew Jackson didn’t need to from a contract point of view.
That doesn’t mean that the estate or Chris wasn’t salty or upset about not being involved, monetarily or otherwise.
It is interesting to read what the restrictions are for the new Amazon series.
Gerry not know something never @lloyd
that expanse? ship looks fantastic
a fab show guys.
It’s the Weekender! ??i The Conquest Para Bellum Slow Grow League is our main focus here. Lots of clipping and shifting of miniatures boxes on our studio table. I think the postman is begining to think I’m opening a shop or attempting to corner the market on these minis. @lloyd I do like the idea of tartans. Not sure I can pull that off but I may experiment a little. ?? I too bought a bag of 200 wine corks……. about a year ago. ….. works the charm for painting. But I still find myself buying the GW mini holders… Read more »
@warzan Have you considered using a green stuff world roller and their cutters for your cobble stone bases? #buymerch
Some lovely people even did a video tutorial on how to use them.
The issue I currently run into mate is time 🙂 (and a little bit of a desire to improve my 3D printing skills and experience) But time-wise, I’m able to sit with a pair of calipers for a couple of hours and text and experiment with how the bases would work etc. Yes, I then have a process of finding out the best way to print the object (this took 3 attempts. But… and here is the clincher, I can now rattle out these bases unattended, I’m not starting from scratch with a lump of greenstuff and a roller each… Read more »
Suppose once you’ve perfected it you can just click a button and hey presto….bases galore.
As a rank and flank game armies might get quite big so might save even more time in the future.
Damn it Warren you’re pushing me closer to getting a 3D printer myself!
I’m actually originally from Lockerbie, which is in Annandale and about 7 miles away from Johnstone Bridge (a village named after them). They were one of the most powerful reiver families in the area and were bascially a bunch of really nasty buggers. Look into their feuds with the Moffats and the Maxwells, who were both also a bunch of really nasty buggers.
What I’m getting from this is that if a Family made a name for themselves, it’s generally because somewhere down the tree they were Really Nasty Buggers…..
Among Scotish clans that was generally the case, yes. With the Johnstones one example in particular sticks in my mind. They locked a good few of the Moffats in a church then set it on fire.
I live for the weekender lol. Sat here in my wee workshop in the kitchen painting, chilling and watching the show. Can’t wait for the new space wolves dex.
great show guys. At first I thought this was the XLBS. Maybe Warren has done this so the rest of the team can show of their hobby on XLBS? ? On Warren’s army bases, is that the true meaning climbing up the walls.?
Another cracking show guys
@warzan re your new bases, have you thought about painting them first, and then do the mortar filler part, as would then be a great contrast of the sand colour against the flagstones…
Also, if you don’t want those earlier iterations, I’d be happy to take them off your hands, all in the name of recyclablility of course ?
Is “I’ve got a bag of corks” the new way of saying “I’ve got a drinking problem”?
it’s only a drinking problem if you can’t get a new bottle 😉
Happy weekend everyone