Community Spotlight: Horus Heresy Brutality, IDOLS Of TORMENT & The Bronzecast!

November 29, 2023 by brennon

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Come and join us for another delve into the Projects to find the best of the best from the last week or so. We're going to be getting stuck into lots of great-looking miniature wargaming painting and hobbying this week...


...make sure to always let us know what YOU have been working on and share it across the site.


Horus Heresy Diorama by GrayPrimer

We start off this week with a look at another impressive diorama from grayprimer. They have been doing some great work once again when it comes to doing a bit of storytelling with miniatures. This time, we dive into The Horus Heresy and the final days of the fighting on Terra as the bodies of Battle Brothers find themselves strewn across blasted battlefields.

Horus Heresy Diorama #1 by GrayPrimer

This particular diorama is packed with blood and guts and shows the harrowing amount of devastation left behind in the wake of a clash between the Imperial Fists and the Sons Of Horus. The bodies of fallen warriors are shown torn apart by the weaponry of both Traitor and Loyalist. In the midst of all of that, a Spartan Land Raider churns up the blood-soaked earth and powers on, relentlessly.

Horus Heresy Diorama #2 by GrayPrimer

There is some great attention to detail throughout the diorama with plenty of Space marines blasted apart by bolter fire and melted into slag by plasma. There has been plenty of attention given over to the blood and guts which is great as that really helps to highlight the hell of this scene. As well as that, grayprimer has also done some brilliant work on the base for this diorama which looks suitably brutal and matches up well with the bodies all over the place.

Horus Heresy Diorama #3 by GrayPrimer

All of these snapshots give you a good idea of the diorama but you can also check out a video over on the project system where grayprimer gives you a more focused look at the project and bringing it all to life. I absolutely love (in a grim way) the dude who has been impaled by that sword (top right). Proper gory!


IDOLS Of TORMENT by ewokkebab

Next up, we're having a look at the work by ewokkebab who is no less grim when it comes to their project. The focus for most of this project was on building some awesome terrain for IDOLS Of TORMENT which features some impressive statues that evoke the grandeur of a world now completely lost to a war between Hell and Heaven.

IDOLS Of TORMENT #2 by ewokkebab

The terrain that you use for IDOLS Of TORMENT is meant to be big, grand and larger than life and I think that ewokkebab has managed to capture that. I really like the rusty bronze feel to the collection, illuminated and highlighted on occasion by flickering candles. You get the sense that these statues at one point meant something to someone before everything went to hell and it helps to develop a fun narrative behind your games.

IDOLS Of TORMENT #3 by ewokkebab

Plenty more statues and other terrain pieces are included as part of the project that shows off the oddities that can be found throughout this dark and twisted world. Not only was this a good painting and modelling project for ewokkebab but also one that pushed him out of his comfort zone which is always handy when it comes to trying new things and expanding your skill set as a hobbyist.

Some of the last few entries have been given over to painting The Lost models by the folks at Black Magic Craft. These are the souls that you fight over when you dive into games of IDOLS Of TORMENT and they look just as good as the terrain.

IDOLS Of TORMENT #1 by ewokkebab

It will be good to hunt these fellows down and use their essence for your own means! I really like the charcoal black basing for the miniatures as well as they properly hammer home this utterly ruined landscape that they find themselves in. You could imagine them shuffling through the heat-blasted landscape, blackened bones and more shifting between their feet. Spooky!


The Bronzecast by nightrunner

Last but not least, we have a fun project from nightrunner that showcases a cool painting technique. They have wanted to build a Kings Of War army and have a lot of Stormcast Eternals lying around from previous purchases. So, nightrunner took them and has been using these Stormcast Eternal miniatures to make an "Ogre" army for use in Mantic's Fantasy wargame.

Bronze Statue Stormcast #1 by nightrunner

Inspired by work done by the community, the idea here was to make them look striking and that's where the idea of turning them all into bronze statues came from. Here you can see the finished product with some very verdigris-tainted statues getting ready to do battle, heat radiating from within their churning cores. I think the final look is immense, especially with those searingly hot weapons that they're using as well.

Bronze Statue Stormcast #2 by nightrunner

The animated bronze statue vibe is one that I think really works well with these Stormcast miniatures and also means that you just have one technique to master throughout the process. When all are assembled into a larger force, this is going to be very striking. As you can see, these have been multi-based so they can be used in-game efficiently and there is even space at the back for dice.

Bronze Statue Stormcast #3 by nightrunner

nightrunner has run through the process of bringing these statuesque warriors to life over on their project system in more detail. There are surprisingly more steps than I would have thought for this but you can't deny the final look of the miniatures. It's fascinating starting with so many of those metallic tones so that the bronze feels more realistic when you get to the end. I think this would be a brilliant tutorial to use when you're looking to paint up miniatures like those from Mythic Battles: Pantheon, especially if you wanted to go down the statue route.

What Are You Painting Right Now?

Every week we’re absolutely blown away by the incredible topics that are put into the Projects, it’s getting more difficult to choose Community Spotlights! We love your work and we hope to see a lot more of it in the future!

If you fancy getting your hobby fingers out and showing off your newest paint job, terrain piece or even greatest gaming achievement, we want to know about it! We don’t mind if you’re a newcomer to painting or a veteran of the brush, everything you do inspires us to create more and more content together!

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