Pledge For DakkaDakka’s Order Of Repentance & Comment To Win Your Pledge!

March 12, 2024 by brennon

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DakkaDakka.Store are back on Kickstarter with another awesome array of 3D Printable STL Files for you to use when building your grimdark armies. This time around, it's the turn of the Order Of Repentance, an awesome set of miniatures for making an army of deadly killer ladies.

Order Of Repentance Kickstarter - DakkaDakka Store

Order Of Repentance Kickstarter // DakkaDakka.Store

Comment Below To Win Your Base Set! Details Below

As with previous Kickstarters from DakkaDakka.Store, this one comes with a whole base of excellent base miniatures for your regular troops as well as a bunch of specialised units which you can use to take the fight to the enemy. You've got loads of ranged weapons, melee weapons and more alongside some excellent character miniatures and elite. All of this comes as part of a pre-supported and test printed collection which should be easy to print and fun to build and paint.

Order Of Repentance Campaign - DakkaDakka Store

Order Of Repentance Campaign Description // DakkaDakka.Store

If you're tempted but don't want to dive in just yet, you can always try out the Free STL File from DakkaDakka which allows you to try before you buy. This Sister Of Minor Guilt will give you a good idea of the basic miniatures for this campaign that you'll be printing a lot of. If you like this then you'll be happy with the rest of the miniatures in the campaign no doubt.

Order Of Repentance Free STL - DakkaDakka Store

Order Of Repentance Free STL // DakkaDakka.Store

As if that wasn't enough, you can also win a Base Set of miniatures from this Order Of Repentance Kickstarter. So, if you're a backer and you want the chance of getting your miniatures for free then all you need to do is...

Comment Below "I'm A Backer" & Win Your Base Set!

...this is your standard pledge where you'll be able to get all of the miniatures that you see below at the end of the campaign/

Order Of Repentance Competition - DakkaDakka Store

Order Of Repentance Competition Prize // DakkaDakka.Store

If all of this has got you excited about the Order Of Repentance then you'll want to dive in and check out the different options presented as part of the campaign.

Order Of Repentance Miniatures

It also starts with the Base Set of miniatures which is highly modular and allows you to play around with all manner of different ranged and melee weapons for you to make the squad that you like.

Order Of Repentance Base Set - DakkaDakka Store

Order Of Repentance Base Set // DakkaDakka.Store

From there, more specialists get added into the mix allowing you to make the elite elements of your Order Of Repentance army. Someone once said that it was a bad idea to bring a knife to a gun fight but in the grimdark future, you're going to look seriously out of place if you've not got your hands on a sword, a mace or something similar.

Sisters Of Redemption - DakkaDakka Store

Sisters Of Redemption // DakkaDakka.Store

Unrepentants - DakkaDakka Store

Unrepentants // DakkaDakka.Store

You've got some excellent ladies with their shields and melee weapons at the ready as well as the Unrepentants who seem like they might have wanted to rethink their acts of blasphemy. I guess they are pretty good at cutting up food now with those bladed arms. Silver lining and all that!

Order Of Repentance Bonus Miniatures - DakkaDakka Store

Order Of Repentance Bonus Miniatures // DakkaDakka.Store

The Thorn Knights from this campaign are also absolutely stunning and Irell Mall looks like a force to be reckoned with. You will no doubt have noticed the similarities between these warrior women and their retainers and the Sisters Of Battle from Warhammer 40,000. I think these designs would be excellent for those looking to buck the trend and make their army look a bit more unique than those at the local club.

As a bonus, and now a staple of many a DakkaDakka campaign, there is also an APC that you can download and print off. This comes with loads of awesome weapon options allowing you to support your ladies of brutality with heavy support.

Order Of Repentence APC - DakkaDakka Store

Order Of Repentance APC // DakkaDakka.Store

I really like the options once again from DakkaDakka.Store which are prefect for those wanting to dive in and get their printers fired up once more this year. There are loads of options presented here and even more are going to be unlocked over the course of the Kickstarter campaign. Find out more about those options on the link below.

Order Of Repentance Kickstarter // DakkaDakka.Store

Will you be diving in and getting your hands on the Order Of Repentance? Could you be tempted to 3D Print your way through a new army of warrior women from the grimdark future?

Drop your thoughts below!

"Will you be diving in and getting your hands on the Order Of Repentance?"

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