Cripple Allied Armour With New Flames Of War German Tanks

July 21, 2022 by brennon

Battlefront Miniatures has been showing off some more heavy armour for those playing as the Germans in their 15mm wargame, Flames Of War. The Battle Of The Bulge forces expand with four new sets for you to choose from.

Panther Late Tank Platoon - Flames Of War

Panther (Late) Tank Platoon // Flames Of War

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Leading the way, we have the Panther Tank Platoon for the Late War period. This comes with five Panther or Jagdpanther Tank-Hunters for you to use in your games. You can either rock the 7.5cm guns or the 8.8cm guns depending on what kind of foe you're likely to come up against.

If you want to take tank hunting to the next level, you can also check out the Hornisse Tank-Hunter Platoon.

Hornisse Tank-Hunter Platoon - Flames Of War

Hornisse Tank-Hunter Platoon // Flames Of War

This allows you to build up four Hornisse Tank Hunters or Hummel Self-Propelled Guns. You have some seriously good guns here for blasting holes in Allied armour. If you have enough guns, you can just blow your enemy off the field and never mind the objectives.

There are also a couple of smaller sets starting out with Grille 15cm Platoon.

Grille Late 15cm Platoon - Flames Of War

Grille (Late) 15cm Platoon // Flames Of War

You can then match these alongside a rather impressive-looking set. I think this might actually be my favourite from this particular set of pre-orders.

Sturmtiger Assault Howitzer Platoon - Flames Of War

Sturmtiger Assault Howitzer Platoon // Flames Of War

The Sturmtiger Assault Howitzer Platoon allows you to start firing forth 38mm rockets! They seem like a pretty solid option for making infantry and more go running for cover.

There are some neat bits and pieces still to pick up when it comes to the Late War period and the German forces battling against the Allies during the Bulge push. If you've been waiting a while for a wintery clash then you have now been very well catered for.

What do you make of these new kits?

"If you've been waiting a while for a wintery clash then you have now been very well catered for..."

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