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Hobby Pledges 2023

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This topic contains 65 replies, has 16 voices, and was last updated by  lawnor 7 months, 3 weeks ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    First of all , Happy New Year to All.

    Secondly Thanks to Lawnor for setting this up yet again. Love your white lion you did a page ago …you are getting better all the time

    Last year I realised that I paint what ever I feel like  and hop around the hobby like some sort of lunatic ad set myself the target of painting 4 minis a month  AND I succeeded !!!!!! (Yay me). I also had the joy(due to my erratic painting habits) of completing tasks I set in previous years… It is strangely satisfying to go back through the previous years spreadsheets and mark them off.

    This year I am boldly (boldly I say) attempt to paint FIVE miniatures a month. Let us see if it can be done. Good luck to you all with your goals.

    And once again Lawnor thanks for this mate I always enjoy it.




    Cult of Games Member

    I’ve finished a bunch of Kingdom Death models for my pledge, and got in a few more games of Gloomhaven JotL over christmas.  The campaign is finished.  i just want to go do the 6  missions I didn’t unlock.

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    Cult of Games Member

    For once last year I almost completed everything I wanted to and finished the year with a figure count of 532 figures painted while only adding another 309 to the collection which meant that I actually reduced the “pile of potential” by 216 figures 😂🤯.

    Some examples can be found at:

    and for the WSS at:

    So for the coming year the targets are:

    • paint at least the same number of figures as last year
    • French Napoleonic’s – complete 2 regiments of dragoons and 4 infantry battalions
    • Finish the French War of Spanish Succession figures I have
    • Finish the French Indian War figures
    • Complete the Carthaginian Army I have started
    • Start and Complete the Republican Roman forces

    This is challenging but want to finish off a number of projects as other things will no doubt attract my attention.


    Cult of Games Member

    Finally sat myself down to come up with the target list for 2023.  The theme this year is “Better than Birthdays”.  I’m 51 this year and if I can get another 14 projects finished I’ll have 52 completed.  That’s a big ask but a few are quite small and if I get through as many minis as last year I’ve got a shot at it.

    Boardgames wise I’ve got Conan TMG to finish off (only 53 left now) and then I’ll move on to Solomon Kane when the new Vallejo Xpress come out.  I’ve got lots of Saga queued up too including Pyrrhic, Mamertine, Theban, Spartan, Thracian and I’m taking a punt on Ancient Germans for Age of Caesar when it comes out in the summer (I’m guessing here but surely they’ll be in it). Fantasy wise I’ve got some town guard and LotR Evil Men with 4 Mumakil.  Spring Clean Challenge will be some Bauhaus Imperial Guard in a Warzone/40K mashup. I’ve got Sidhe and Fir Bolg for Slaine and some more 2mm Ancients as I line up Pydna and Telamon for the tabletop.

    I’ve started with these 5 Forgeworld Ringbearers (yes I’m cheating a bit here but I like an easy win every now and again).

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    Cult of Games Member

    @lawnor Great job on the Kingdom death minis … I particularly like the screaming baby/hippo/thingey . A lovely job

    @zoidpinhead While the bases are truly magnificent I can’t get over the work on the minis onfyour ring bearers.  They are almost invisible …. Fantastic work 😀



    Cult of Games Member

    And the Solomon Kane’s miniatures can be useful in the upcoming RPG collaboration between Monolith and Savage World (release this Summer maybe).



    Cult of Games Member

    Ok, ok, I am in. While it is already 01/19/23 when I type these words, I commit to

    – painting ALL my Marvel Crisis protocol miniatures/terrain (till The Hydra Tank Encounter – which means ALL MCP miniatures released so far).

    – Complete the 3 NYC buildings I ahve have 3D printed for MCP.

    – Complete my first board of terrain worth for Frostgrave.

    – Purchase VERY parsimoniously new games/miniatures, despite my attendance of GenCon in August.

    Whatever else will be cherry on top



    Thought I would join in this year. I’ve kept it nice and broad to allow for changes :


    1. Paint a small Roman army.

    2. Paint the figs from the vampire the masquerade kick starter.

    3. Don’t buy more than I paint.

    4. Sell some unpainted miniatures or unwanted board games.

    5. paint up my judge dredd terrain and left over minis.

    I think achievable ?



    Cult of Games Member

    Sounds reasonable, although it all depends on how big a small roman army is.  I don’t agree with the selling stuff line.  I do not recommend that! 😉



    Maybe I need to change army to something smaller 😆 cohort ?

    I like a good spring clean so no better way than flogging some stuff 🙂


    Cult of Games Member

    As with most things in my life, I’m late to this party, what with February being just round the corner. I pledged in 2022 but didn’t even manage to get half way through my pledges. It was a busy year and I seem to be a very, very slow painter. Given the volume that some here paint in a week and the speed that they can knock models out at – all at a quality that I can only dream of – I’m clearly doing something wrong!

    For 2023 I’m going to scale things back even further and start with the following pledges. This is mainly to complete the pledges I made in 2022. These were:

    – Complete my Tuscany hill village build

    – Complete painting the Human team from the Blood Bowl boxed set (and in doing so, have painted everything in the box). This one is very close to being completed!

    – Complete painting the Skaven stormvermin unit (this might be a challenge given that this is a unit of about 30 models and I’m not great at batch painting!)

    In addition to the above, I’m also going to tackle some Blood Bowl star players to go with the Human Team.

    If I finish the above, I’ll add some more. And I also need to look into how I can speed up my painting.


    Cult of Games Member

    Don’t judge yourself by the standards of others.  We all lead different lives and have different abilities and priorities.  Enjoy your hobby your way at your pace.  This is meant to be fun, not a job.


    Cult of Games Member

    A sixth of the way there and I’ve got 73 miniatures completed in 2023, most of those in January as I’ve had lots of assembly to do this month, mostly for Saga Ancients armies.  Mostly Conan TMG the images of which are in my project here.  Other bits included these Black Scorpion Royal Navy officer and midshipman.

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    I hope all goes well for everyone else.  Drop an update in if you have something to show us.


    Cult of Games Member

    I’ve got two of the four Napoleonic French battalions that I want to finish this year painted.



    The big target for this year is working through Baron’s War: Outremer. A box full of figures arrived at the start of Feb, and I’ve got a few pilgrims and knights underway. Sadly still waiting for some basing stuff to turn up, so no finished models for this project yet. Having a bit of fun working on some hand painted shields too.



    Cult of Games Member

    I’ve been working on my Aeon Trespass minis (Project:, which are an extension of a Pledge.  “If I continue playing before Wave 2 arrives, paint everything before it hits the table”.  I haven’t started playing yet so they don’t count as a pledge yet, but they will later.  As such, I’ve not been spamming this chat with pics, but I’ll drop down a group shot in a few weeks when everything is done.  At least, I hope it’ll be a few weeks.  Here’s a few interesting shots:



    Tem Py F

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