Forge World Offer Up Alternative Stormcast Heads This Week

January 19, 2019 by brennon

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Fed up of looking at faceless Stormcast Eternals? Well, Forge World has released two upgrade kits for your Age Of Sigmar force with both options for Male & Female Heads.

Heads #1 - Forge World

These would be great for showing off which members of a unit are the leaders, and if you're getting stuck into some skirmishing with these forces it adds a dose of personality into the affair too. There are a variety of different faces shapes and designs on offer as well giving you a wide selection of ethnic origins to pick from.

Heads #2 - Forge World

There is a good mix of the seriously grim-faced and the battle-ready amongst these sets and I could see a lot of people picking up the Female Set in particular for use with their heavily armoured warriors of Sigmar.

Stormcast Head Upgrades #1 - Forge World

As you can see above the heads just plug into the bodies of the traditional Stormcast Eternals and look very much like they match up which is always a good sign. Whilst I think an entire force without their helmets on might be a bit much this does mean you can mix and match a lot more.

Stormcast Head Upgrades #2 - Forge World

A lot of people like the Stormcast Eternals because you don't have to paint faces but this offers up something new for those looking to add a bit more character into their army.

With the new rules for Age Of Sigmar Skirmish out there and people wanting to make more personal forces that tell a story, I could see these being a big hit.

Will you be picking them up?

"...this offers up something new for those looking to add a bit more character into their army"

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