Khurasan Show Off Knights, Far Eastern Barbarians & Sci-Fi Soldiers

August 28, 2017 by brennon

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Khurasan Miniatures has been dabbled in all sorts over the past few weeks with some previews of what's coming on the Medieval front as well as into the far future. First up we have these 14th Century Medieval Knights...

Mid-Late 14th Century Mounted Knights

These new knights are in 15mm scale as to match the current range and add a level additional punch to your army when it takes to the table. There are going to be more models than the three you see here but it does give you a good taster of what's ahead.

I think they've done a great job on the horses, which always seem to be the downfall of so many cavalry models!

Chinese Barbarians

The 15mm love continues as we look towards these Chinese Barbarians known as the Red Di. They are swathed in red with their conquered foes pictured in white.

Chinese Barbarians #1

So far they have detailed some of the command models as you'll see above and a few of their foot troops as well. While not quite as detailed as the Knights above they do give you an interesting new period of history to explore.

Chinese Barbarians #2

If you're looking for some hints as to how to build these warriors in battle then the theme seems to be to have noble warriors at the front with poorer soldiers at the back making up the mass of the army. It pays to be at the front where the honour is!

Sci-Fi Time

Leaving History behind we look towards the future with some 6mm Federal Army Infantry on the way too.

6mm Federal Army Infantry

This set of releases is coming soon and will feature a growing army which also includes the Neptune Mecha. Mecha of any variety is always good and in 6mm you could field a whole lot of them on the tabletop!

What do you think of their new and upcoming releases?

"The 15mm love continues as we look towards these Chinese Barbarians known as the Red Di..."

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