Bakunin Observance Themed Week – Action Pack & Beyond | Infinity

March 15, 2023 by brennon

You can now get your hands on the new Bakunin Observance Action Pack and more for Corvus Belli's Infinity. In this video, the folks at Corvus Belli talk about where you can go next with your new Bakunin Observance miniatures. It's time to take this Action Pack to Infinity and Beyond!


Bakunin Observance Themed Week - Action Pack & Beyond | Infinity

In this video, the team at Corvus Belli talk about where you can go with the new Bakunin Observance Action Pack when it comes to your next steps. What should you buy once you've picked up this pre-order? Where should you go with your new Nomads?

Bakunin Observance Event Pack - Infinity

Pre-Order - Bakunin Observance Event Pack // Infinity

Are you going to be picking up the new Bakunin Observance Event Pack?

Drop your thoughts below!

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