Battlefront Release First Set Of Team Yankee: Red Dawn Miniatures!

December 2, 2022 by brennon

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Battlefront Miniatures has now released their first few sets of miniatures, books and accessories for those diving into World War III: Team Yankee and Red Dawn. The Invasion Of America has begun and that means lots of parachuting Soviets dropping into the United States.

World War III Team Yankee Red Dawn - Battlefront Miniatures DEC

World War III: Team Yankee - Red Dawn // Battlefront Miniatures

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At the core of the releases is the brand new book for Red Dawn: The Invasion Of America. This book contains information on the VDV alongside more for the likes of the allied Cuban forces and the American Militia that fought back against the invasion and occupation. A good starting point for Red Dawn might be to get your hands on those Soviets though and that's where this Starter Force comes in.

BMD Air Assault Battalion - Battlefront Miniatures DEC

BMD Air Assault Battalion // Battlefront Miniatures

This set comes with a whole host of vehicles including tanks and transport options. You've also got a big chunk of infantry for when you need to secure objectives. Helicopters help drop off your infantry to key locations as well. You can also get your hands on the Exclusive HQ Team in the set and the Wodonald's Objective which is a fun little addition.

A couple of bonus releases are also tied in alongside the new book and the miniatures from the Starter Force. For example, there is the Air Landing Terrain Pack that comes with additional scenarios, rules and terrain elements for setting up fun airborne assaults.

Air Landing Terrain Pack - Battlefront Miniatures

Air Landing Terrain Pack // Battlefront Miniatures

Supporting said invasion attempts by air, land and sea, there is also the Unit Cards Pack which contains all of the information in handy card form for the Soviets and the Cubans.

Red Dawn Unit Card Pack - Battlefront Miniatures

Red Dawn Unit Card Pack // Battlefront Miniatures

There is also the very swanky-looking Soviet VDV Gaming Set which comes with a bunch of themed dice, counters and objective markers. I think if you're going to be getting stuck in with Red Dawn as the Soviets, this would be a very good additional extra to add to your collection for thematic reasons!

Soviet VDV Gaming Set - Battlefront Miniatures

Soviet VDV Gaming Set // Battlefront Miniatures

Last but not least and similar to what they have done with Flames Of War, there is an additional Challenge Tournament set for playing out a league of Team Yankee on the tabletop. You get all of the nuts and bolts for playing out a tournament at your local club or store and also awards for those that crack a selection of objectives!

World War III Team Yankee Challenge Tournament - Battlefront Miniatures

World War III: Team Yankee Challenge Tournament // Battlefront Miniatures

This is just the beginning when it comes to the releases for World War III: Team Yankee and Red Dawn. There are plenty of additional Soviet releases planned plus more for the Americans fighting back against them and their allies from overseas. Keep an eye out for more in the coming weeks as we move through 2022 and into 2023.

Could you be tempted by these first Red Dawn releases?

"At the core of the releases is the brand new book for Red Dawn: The Invasion Of America..."

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