Fight Through A Container Shipyard With Monster Fight Club

October 11, 2023 by brennon

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Monster Fight Club are on Kickstarter right now with a new range of plastic terrain for use in your wargames. They are aiming to get you fighting through a pretty awesome Container Shipyard with their newest collection of 28mm wargaming terrain.

Container Shipyard - Monster Fight Club

Container Shipyard Kickstarter // Monster Fight Club

Designed using HIPS plastic, this terrain collection contains (hah) pretty much everything that you see in the preview picture. For example, you get a HUGE array of Shipping Containers which can be assembled to create interesting battlefields for Modern and Sci-Fi wargames on the tabletop.

Container Set - Monster Fight Club

Container Set // Monster Fight Club

These containers can be assembled without glue, allowing you to clip them together and make all manner of different terrain combinations to use on the tabletop. Obviously, they're containers so there's a limit to what you can do with the range but if you're looking to make an interesting industrial complex to fight through, these would be pretty darn good!

Additionally, these containers also lock together and stack on top of each other, meaning that you can make some pretty interesting tabletops with plenty of height to them. You can also make overhangs, container bridges and more using the set which would be perfect for something a bit more Post-Apocalyptic.

There are both half-size and full-size containers available as part of the pledges including the Hab Containers that you can see in the image above. The majority of the terrain pieces also come pre-coloured so you simply just need to drop them onto the tabletop and off you go.

Fancy Fighting On A Ship?

If you want to go completely overboard (again, hah), then you might want to pick up the added Container Ship that Monster Fight Club have been working on.

Container Ship - Monster Fight Club

Container Ship // Monster Fight Club

This can be broken down into sections if you like but is essentially a gaming space in its own right. As you can see from some of the little miniatures in the image above, this is absolutely huge and would be great for a fun scenario or two where you're looking to infiltrate some bad guys' floating fortress. If you went for the biggest ship, it could be something like seven and a half feet long!

If that's not enough, you could also pick up the Dock Crane which can be assembled and added to the side of the Container Ship to give you even more height on the tabletop. Impressive!

Dock Crane - Monster Fight Club

Dock Crane // Monster Fight Club

There are a host of additional options for you to pick up as well including fencing for you to use around the complex that you've created and some nice scatter terrain in the form of this Industrial Cargo that you see here.

Industrial Cargo - Monster Fight Club

Industrial Cargo // Monster Fight Club

All in all, this looks like an impressive selection of new plastic terrain from Monster Fight Club. I have tinkered with some of their previous sets and they are very good quality. You pay for it (as you can see here!) but you get some nice terrain that could make a particular awesome battlefield without much in the way of hobby.

Let me know if you could be tempted by this new set of terrain by Monster Fight Club!

" might want to pick up the added Container Ship that Monster Fight Club have been working on"

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