Japanese Chi-Ha Tank Painting Tutorial | Bolt Action

August 3, 2023 by johnlyons

John dives into painting his first-ever Japanese Tank for Warlord GamesBolt Action. The first tank in question is the Chi-Ha which isn't the best tank around by far but is still awesome. John shows off exactly how to paint this awesome 28mm World War II tank.

3 colours up painting tutorial chi ha bolt action tank coverimage

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John waffles on about Navy budgets and design philosophy and then dives into painting one of the tanks that the Japanese armoured forces heavily relied on.

Paints Used...

  • AK Interactive Black Primer
  • Vallejo Cam. Olive Green
  • Vallejo Desert Yellow
  • Vallejo Flat Brown
  • Vallejo Black Grey
  • Citadel Leadbelcher
  • AK Interactive Dark Brown Wash
  • AK Interactive Brown earth dust deposit
  • AK Interactive Sand Yellow dust deposit

Will you be using this as a tutorial to help you bring your own Chi-Ha to life for some World War II wargaming in Bolt Action?

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