Build Your Modern Warfare Task Force With Spectre Miniatures

November 17, 2023 by brennon

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Spectre Miniatures has released some awesome new 28mm miniatures for those diving into some Modern Warfare on the tabletop with Spectre Operations and beyond. This time around, you can snap up a whole Task Force in various forms and armed with some of the most bleeding edge weapons on the market. A great option for those looking to play Modern and Near-Future battles.

Task Force - Spectre Miniatures

Task Force // Spectre Miniatures

There are a couple of different sets for you to choose from that go between finely detailed 3D Prints and resin casts. If you're looking to build up the core of your Task Force then you have the Assault Element...

Task Force Assault Element - Spectre Miniatures

Task Force Assault Element // Spectre Miniatures

...alongside the CQB Element and the Fire Support Element. This means that you've got the core of your force that will be doing the majority of the work and then two sets of specialists aimed at getting up close and personal and taking out targets from range.

Task Force CQB Element - Spectre Miniatures

Task Force CQB Element // Spectre Miniatures

Task Force Fire Support - Spectre Miniatures

Task Force Fire Support // Spectre Miniatures

The detail that the folks at Spectre have gone into is pretty astounding and if you go over to their webstore, you'll find all manner of fascinating details about the weapons and such that they are armed with. I really like that with the coming of the new edition, this essentially gives you a good starting place to get your Task Force together and build on the "basics" before you dive in and add more characters.

More Task Force Specialists

As well as the Task Force sets above, you can also get your hands on some additional specialists that might be useful when looking to play out particular scenarios on the tabletop.

Task Force JTAC - Spectre Miniatures

Task Force JTAC // Spectre Miniatures

You can rock the JTAC who is going to be keeping folks in the loop about what's going on around the battlefield. If you're looking to back up that CQB Element then you might be tempted to pick up the Breacher as well perhaps?

Task Force Breacher - Spectre Miniatures

Task Force Breacher // Spectre Miniatures

Last but not least, we also have some excellent-looking characters that you could turn into real heroes on the tabletop. Come up with names for these fellows and see how their tour of duty plays out on the tabletop.

Task Force Commander - Spectre Miniatures

Task Force Commander // Spectre Miniatures

Task Force Hero - Spectre Miniatures

Task Force Hero // Spectre Miniatures

You can get yourself a pretty awesome Commander miniature and a Hero as well. Both of these seem like fellows who are going to be ace when leading the way. Spectre does some amazing stuff for this period of warfare and if you're looking to play proper Call Of Duty-style battles on the tabletop, this might be the way to go.

Even if you're coming from that slightly more "action movie" approach, it gives you a good way to start exploring the "historical" side of things as well. Nothing wrong with starting with the Hollywood side of things and creating some epic moments on the tabletop!

Will you be looking to dive in and pick up some of these Task Force miniatures?

"Spectre does some amazing stuff for this period of warfare..."

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