Meet Spectre Miniatures’ Baba Yaga…And Don’t Kill His Dog!

March 16, 2020 by brennon

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Spectre Miniatures has released two new sets for those diving into some modern wargaming. We lead the way with the rather ace looking Baba Yaga, a hired killer and assassin of legend who might be the one after the target you're protecting!

Baba Yaga - Spectre Miniatures

This fellow seems like the perfect character to throw into a scenario as a little bit of a wild card. I think you could have a lot of fun setting up a scenario as a games master where you're focusing on the protection of a vital asset. Both sides want to capture him in order to bring him in for questioning. However, someone has paid Baba Yaga to take out this target and you could unleash him onto the board, taking out both sides as he works his way through the streets.

Either that, or you could set up a fun little time trial style affair where someone gets to take control of Baba Yaga and try and kill everyone in a building in the fastest time? You could have a lot of fun with this particular addition to their range!

A Hazardous Affair

As well as Baba Yaga, the team at Spectre also released their Aftermath Kill Team which are an addition to their Criminal range.

Aftermath Kill Team - Spectre Miniatures

This team comes armed with a range of regular assault rifles, machine guns and SMGs too. All of them are then clad in off-the-shelf hazmat suits and wearing gas masks which allow them to go unnoticed and avoid hazardous zones. I think these would be perfect for those diving in and playing scenarios where you might be running away from a bank job gone well/badly!

If you mixed both this team and Baba Yaga together you'd have the makings of a Hollywood movie scene!

"I think these would be perfect for those diving in and playing scenarios where you might be running away from a bank job gone well/badly!"

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