Go Back To 1997 With Batman, Robin, Poison Ivy & Mr Freeze!

August 14, 2023 by brennon

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Knight Models have an awesome array of new releases for the Batman Miniature Game this month. Head back to 1997 and the Batman & Robin movie with the dynamic duo themselves and two of their fiendish enemies from the film.

Batman & Robin 1997 - Knight Models

Batman & Robin 1997 // Knight Models

Leading the way, we have two awesome miniatures for Batman & Robin. The Caped Crusade properly looks like George Clooney which is wild considering that you're just seeing his chin. For some reason, it just works. I love the icy basing for the miniatures and the stances that they are in as well. They look like they're right in the heart of the action, getting ready to stick it to some goons.

I also like that the Batman suit comes with bonus nipple power and I have to assume that Robin's behind is just as pert as it is in the movie. A great pair of miniatures to throw into the mix for your Batman games.

"Ice To Meet You!"

Going up against Batman & Robin, we have a set that features Poison Ivy & Mr. Freeze.

Poison Ivy & Mr Freeze 1997 - Knight Models

Poison Ivy & Mr Freeze 1997 // Knight Models

Once again, I think the likenesses here for both Uma Thurman and Arnold Schwarzenegger are on point and they are very much giving off the vibe of their characters from the movie. Two awesome miniatures alongside two scenic bases which suit the kind of environments they would be fighting in.

I really like the old Animated Series Batman range that Knight Models used to do but these 1990s movie versions of the characters are properly ticking a lot of boxes, as bad as some of the films were.


As well as those amazing miniatures, we also got a new Kid Flash miniature from Knight Models.

Kid Flash Wally West - Knight Models

Kid Flash "Wally West" // Knight Models

Wally West is zooming into the midst of the fighting and has an awesome miniature that represents that moment, captured in time. I really like the pose and the smoke flowing from his shoes as he comes to a stop. You get a real sense of motion with Kid Flash and he should be a good addition to your DC and Batman collection.

Will you be getting your hands on these new miniatures for the Batman Miniature Game and beyond?

Drop your thoughts below!

"I also like that the Batman suit comes with bonus nipple power and I have to assume that Robin's behind is just as pert as it is in the movie..."

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